We are happy to release EXT:solr for TYPO3 13 LTS.
Note: Follow the instructions and notes if upgrading to Apache Solr 9.8.0 or Docker image 13.0.1+
All changes
- [TASK] Update version matrix by @dkd-friedrich in #4279
- [BUGFIX:P:13.0] Fix monitoring of mounted pages by @dkd-friedrich in #4277
- [BUGFIX] Add check if generator is valid before traversing it by @jacobsenj in #4283
- !!![SECURITY] Update to Apache solr 9.8.0 : CVE-2025-24814 by @dependabot in #4292
- [FIX] docker image tests do not fail if core can not start by @dkd-kaehm in #4302
- [DOCS] Actually mention the values of monitoringType by @kitzberger in #4295
- [BUGFIX] set PageInformation contentFromPid by @achimfritz in #4273
- [BUGFIX] site has no attribte language by @achimfritz in #4272
- [BUGFIX] Fix notice exception in ScoreCalculationService by @georgringer in #4253
- [FEATURE] Add an event for modifying the domain used for a site by @pschriner in #4266
- [FIX] Docker tests suite does not contain all logs by @dkd-kaehm in #4308
- !!![FIX] Docker execution order issue for as-sudo tweaks by @dkd-kaehm in #4307
- [TASK] Use relative path to typo3lib in Apache Solr config by @dkd-kaehm in #4310
Full Changelog: 13.0.0...13.0.1
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- Submit bug reports and feature requests on GitHub
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- Provide patches through pull requests or review and comment on existing pull requests
- Go to www.typo3-solr.com or call dkd to sponsor the ongoing development of Apache Solr for TYPO3
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