- This is my first project on which I spent a considerable amount of time to understand how the network works. This network library is primarily designed to create virtual connections and transmit reliable data over the UDP protocol. The project is not yet fully completed, so I do not know how frequently updates will be released. This project is not something powerful or efficient; I made it to learn how to finish projects rather than start and not complete them.
I developed this project myself, starting without knowledge of C# and how the network works, so please be understanding.
- I don't plan to make any major changes to the functionality in the future, mostly bug fixes and performance improvements.
- It's up to you to decide, it's a fairly small library that may be suitable for small projects.
- I don't try to be better than existing similar off-the-shelf solutions, because I do it to learn.
Documentation: here
- Only UDP.
- CCU: No limit.
- Small packet header size overhead: 1 byte for unreliable, 2 bytes for reliable.
- Broadcast message.
- Client-server connections.
- Can be used in dotnet and Unity applications.
- License: MIT License.
- The library is under development.
Discord server: here