SimpleUDP is a lightweight and easy-to-use UDP networking library suitable for both .NET applications and Unity projects. It supports both server and client functionality, with features for reliable and unreliable messaging.
- I don't plan to make any major changes to the functionality in the future, mostly bug fixes and performance improvements.
Version: 0.7.0
The following properties and methods are available in both the Server
and Client
bool IsRunning
Read only
- Indicates whether the listening is active.
ushort LocalPort
Read only
- The local port being listened to.
IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint
Read only
- The local IP address and port.
bool EnableBroadcast
Read only
- Indicates if broadcast messages can be sent.
- Enabling the broadcast is available in the parameters of the "Start()" method.
LimitedSizePackage = true
- Limits the maximum packet size for receiving to 1432 bytes.
ushort MaxSizePacket = 1432
- The maximum packet size is 1432 bytes..
ushort ReceiveBufferSize
- The buffer size in bytes for receiving packets.
- The default value is 2048.
int AvailablePackages
- The number of packets waiting to be processed by the
- The number of packets waiting to be processed by the
bool SocketPoll
- Polling status of the socket. More info: Socket.Poll reference.
- Important: use this option only to process Receive in a dedicated thread.
Action OnStarted
- Invoked when the server starts.
Action OnStopped
- Invoked when the server stops.
Action<EndPoint, byte[]> OnReceiveBroadcast
- Invoked when a broadcast message is received.
Action<EndPoint, byte[]> OnReceiveUnconnected
- Invoked when a message is received from an unconnected host.
- It is not necessary for the client to specify the port as it will be assigned by the system.
void Start(ushort port, bool enableBroadcast = false)
- Important: Must be called before any other operation. Starts listening on the specified port with optional broadcast capability.
void Stop()
- Stops listening and closes the socket.
void Receive()
- Receives and processes all pending packets.
- Important: must be called in an infinite loop or in updates to constantly receive notifications if they have been received.
void TickUpdate()
- Update the status of connections.
- Important: must be called in an infinite loop or in updates to process received messages or status.
- Important: this method is a combination of methods for the UpdateTimer, UpdateDisconnecting server, so do not call them as conflicts will occur.
void SendBroadcast(ushort port, byte[] packet, int length)
- Sends a broadcast message if
- Sends a broadcast message if
void SendUnconnected(EndPoint endPoint, byte[] packet, int length)
- Sends a message without establishing a connection.
void SendBroadcast(ushort port, Packet packet)
- Sends a broadcast message if
- Sends a broadcast message if
void SendUnconnected(EndPoint endPoint, Packet packet)
- Sends a message without establishing a connection.
The UdpLog
class has additional properties, methods, and events specific to server functionality:
void Initialize(Log logInfo, Log logWarning = null, Log logError = null)
- Initializing logging for Server and Client.
The Server
class has additional properties, methods, and events specific to server functionality:
uint TimeOut = 5000
- The time in milliseconds after which you can assume that the client has disconnected from the network and can be disconnected.
uint MaxConnections = 256
- Maximum number of possible simultaneous connections.
string KeyConnection = ""
- Server key, when clients try to establish a connection to the server, they must have the correct key for the server to allow the connection.
uint MaxNumberId = ushort.MaxValue
- Limits the maximum number of identifiers that can be issued.
- Note: It is desirable that the number of identifiers exceed the maximum number of connections by 2 times to reduce the likelihood of identifier collisions; in the event of a collision, a new available one is searched for.
uint ConnectionsCount
Read only
- The current number of connections to the server.
Action<UdpPeer> OnConnected
- Called when someone joins the server.
Action<UdpPeer> OnDisconnected
- Called when someone leaves the server.
Action<UdpPeer, byte[]> OnReceiveReliable
- Invoked when a reliable message is received.
Action<UdpPeer, byte[]> OnReceiveUnreliable
- Invoked when an unreliable message is received.
void Disconnect(uint peerId)
- Forcibly disconnect from the client's server.
void SendReliable(uint peerId, Packet packet)
- Sends a reliable message to peer.
void SendUnreliable(uint peerId, Packet packet)
- Sends an unreliable message to peer.
void SendReliable(uint peerId, byte[] packet)
- Sends a reliable message to peer.
void SendUnreliable(uint peerId, byte[] packet)
- Sends an unreliable message to peer.
void SendReliable(uint peerId, byte[] packet, int length, int offset = 0)
- Sends a reliable message to peer.
void SendUnreliable(uint peerId, byte[] packet, int length, int offset = 0)
- Sends an unreliable message to peer.
void SendAllReliable(Packet packet, uint ignoreId = 0)
- Sends a reliable message to all peers, optionally ignoring one.
void SendAllUnreliable(Packet packet, uint ignoreId = 0)
- Sends an unreliable message to all peers, optionally ignoring one.
void SendAllReliable(byte[] packet, uint ignoreId = 0)
- Sends a reliable message to all peers, optionally ignoring one.
void SendAllUnreliable(byte[] packet, uint ignoreId = 0)
- Sends an unreliable message to all peers, optionally ignoring one.
void SendAllReliable(byte[] packet, int length, uint ignoreId = 0)
- Sends a reliable message to all peers, optionally ignoring one.
void SendAllUnreliable(byte[] packet, int length, uint ignoreId = 0)
- Sends an unreliable message to all peers, optionally ignoring one.
void SendAllReliable(byte[] packet, int length, int offset, uint ignoreId = 0)
- Sends a reliable message to all peers, optionally ignoring one.
void SendAllUnreliable(byte[] packet, int length, int offset, uint ignoreId = 0)
- Sends an unreliable message to all peers, optionally ignoring one.
void UpdateTimer(uint deltaTime)
- Updates only the timers.
void UpdateDisconnecting()
- Updates only the disconnecting peers.
The Client
class has properties, methods, and events specific to client functionality:
uint TimeOut = 5000
- The time in milliseconds after which the connection to the server can be considered disconnected.
string KeyConnection = ""
- The client's key must be correct as on the server to attempt to establish a connection.
uint Id
Read only
- The client's ID is synchronized with the ID that was issued on the server.
uint Rtt
Read only
- The round-trip time, measured every 1000 milliseconds to check for connection status.
State State
Read only
- The connection state of the client.
EndPoint EndPoint
Read only
- IP address of the server
Reason ReasonDisconnection
Read only
- The reason why the client was disconnected from the server.
Action OnConnected
- Called when the connection is successful.
Action OnDisconnected
- Called in case of disconnection.
Action<byte[]> OnReceiveReliable
- Invoked when a reliable message is received.
Action<byte[]> OnReceiveUnreliable
- Invoked when an unreliable message is received.
void Connect(string ipAddress, ushort port)
- Important:
must be called beforeConnect()
for a correct connection attempt.
- Important:
void Disconnect()
- Notifies the server about the disconnection and then disconnects the connection.
void QuietDisconnect()
- Immediately disconnects without notifying the server or stops any ongoing connection/disconnection actions.
void SendReliable(Packet packet)
- Sends a reliable message to the host.
void SendUnreliable(Packet packet)
- Sends an unreliable message to the host.
void SendReliable(byte[] packet)
- Sends a reliable message to the server.
void SendUnreliable(byte[] packet)
- Sends an unreliable message to the server.
void SendReliable(byte[] packet, int length, int offset = 0)
- Sends a reliable message to the server.
void SendUnreliable(byte[] packet, int length, int offset = 0)
- Sends an unreliable message to the server.
The Peer
class is used in conjunction with the Server
class for managing connected clients:
uint Id
Read only
- The peer's ID.
uint Rtt
Read only
- The round-trip time, measured every 1000 milliseconds to check for connection status.
State State
Read only
- The connection state of the peer's.
EndPoint EndPoint
Read only
- IP address of the host
Reason ReasonDisconnection
Read only
- The reason why the peer was disconnected from the host.
void Disconnect()
- Notifies the host of the disconnection and then disconnects the connection.
void QuietDisconnect()
- Immediately disconnects without notifying the server or stops any ongoing connection/disconnection actions.
void UpdateTimer(uint deltaTime)
- Updates the timers for this peer.
- Important: call it when you need to split peer updates across threads and do not call it when TickUpdate or UpdateTimer is called because there will be conflicts.
void SendReliable(Packet packet)
- Sends a reliable message to the host.
void SendUnreliable(Packet packet)
- Sends an unreliable message to the host.
void SendReliable(byte[] packet)
- Sends a reliable message to the host.
void SendUnreliable(byte[] packet)
- Sends an unreliable message to the host.
void SendReliable(byte[] packet, int length, int offset = 0)
- Sends a reliable message to the host.
void SendUnreliable(byte[] packet, int length, int offset = 0)
- Sends an unreliable message to the host.
The Packet
class in the SimpleUDP library provides functionality to create, write, read, and manage packets of data. It supports various data types and ensures efficient handling of network data.
int Offset
- Gets the current read offset in the packet.
int Length
- Gets the current write offset in the packet.
const ushort MaxSizeData = 1432
- The maximum size of data in the packet.
byte[] Data
- The byte array that holds the packet data.
static Packet.Write(ushort maxSizeData = MaxSizeData)
- Creates a new writable packet with the specified maximum data size.
Packet packet = Packet.Write();
static Packet.Read(byte[] packet)
- Create a package to read.
void Handler(byte[] packet) { Packet packet = Packet.Read(packet); }
static Packet.Read(byte[] packet, int length, int offset)
- Create a package to read.
void Handler(byte[] packet) { Packet packet = Packet.Read(packet, packet.Length, 0); }
static Packet Bool(bool value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a bool value.
Packet packet = Packet.Bool(true);
Packet Bool(bool value)
- Writes a bool value to the packet.
bool Bool()
- Reads a bool value from the packet.
bool value = packet.Bool();
static Packet Byte(byte value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a byte value.
Packet packet = Packet.Byte(1);
Packet Byte(byte value)
- Writes a byte value to the packet.
byte Byte()
- Reads a byte value from the packet.
byte value = packet.Byte();
static Packet SByte(sbyte value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes an sbyte value.
Packet packet = Packet.SByte(-1);
Packet SByte(sbyte value)
- Writes an sbyte value to the packet.
sbyte SByte()
- Reads an sbyte value from the packet.
sbyte value = packet.SByte();
static Packet Short(short value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a short value.
Packet packet = Packet.Short(123);
Packet Short(short value)
- Writes a short value to the packet.
short Short()
- Reads a short value from the packet.
short value = packet.Short();
static Packet UShort(ushort value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a ushort value.
Packet packet = Packet.UShort(123);
Packet UShort(ushort value)
- Writes a ushort value to the packet.
ushort UShort()
- Reads a ushort value from the packet.
ushort value = packet.UShort();
static Packet Int(int value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes an int value.
Packet packet = Packet.Int(123);
Packet Int(int value)
- Writes an int value to the packet.
int Int()
- Reads an int value from the packet.
int value = packet.Int();
static Packet UInt(uint value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a uint value.
Packet packet = Packet.UInt(123U);
Packet UInt(uint value)
- Writes a uint value to the packet.
uint UInt()
- Reads a uint value from the packet.
uint value = packet.UInt();
static Packet Long(long value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a long value.
Packet packet = Packet.Long(123L);
Packet Long(long value)
- Writes a long value to the packet.
long Long()
- Reads a long value from the packet.
long value = packet.Long();
static Packet ULong(ulong value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a ulong value.
Packet packet = Packet.ULong(123UL);
Packet ULong(ulong value)
- Writes a ulong value to the packet.
ulong ULong()
- Reads a ulong value from the packet.
ulong value = packet.ULong();
static Packet Float(float value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a float value.
Packet packet = Packet.Float(123.45f);
Packet Float(float value)
- Writes a float value to the packet.
float Float()
- Reads a float value from the packet.
float value = packet.Float();
static Packet Double(double value, ushort maxSizeData = 256)
- Creates a new packet and writes a double value.
Packet packet = Packet.Double(123.45);
Packet Double(double value)
- Writes a double value to the packet.
double Double()
- Reads a double value from the packet.
double value = packet.Double();
static Packet Char(char value, ushort maxSizeData = MaxSizeData)
- Creates a new packet and writes a char value.
Packet packet = Packet.Char('C');
Packet Char(char value)
- Writes a char value to the packet.
string Char()
- Reads a char value from the packet.
char value = packet.Char();
static Packet String(string value, ushort maxSizeData = MaxSizeData)
- Creates a new packet and writes a string value.
Packet packet = Packet.String("Hello, world!");
Packet String(string value)
- Writes a string value to the packet.
packet.String("Hello, world!");
string String()
- Reads a string value from the packet.
string value = packet.String();
This library is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
For more details, examples, and updates, visit the GitHub repository and the Unity Asset Store page.