- Added map editor
Thanks to hromik for supporting with gameplay camera change player's handle
/me (or /mapeditor) [on|off] - enable/disable map editor
You should be an administrator or have root access
Also round should be is not running
Map editor gives opportunity to create maps on the server
After saving a new map you can easily start it immediately without restarting server.
Editor controls inforomation:
2 - Start draw a new map
3 - Reset all progress of draw
4 - Save a new map
5 - Show/hide a map editor
E - Add a map point (To make a polygon of map zone)
R - Add a spawn point (To make spawn points for teams: attackers, defenders)
X - Remove a map point
C - Remove a spawn point
F - Toggle current value of team (To attach a spawn point to the concrete team)
F5 - Toggle fly mode
F7 - Toggle a cursor
Also all functions can easily be done with form
After saving a new map - file maps.json will has been edited, also you can edit it by hands (Refresh after editing by hands is not ready yet)
- Added spectating mode
Still in develpoment mode because of unknown issues that I will try to find
/spec (or /spectate) [id|player name|off] - toggling spectate, off means to disable spectating mode
Known issues: After toggling off spectate mode, player's dimension isn't updating with lobby dimension (will be fixed in the next release)
In the spectate mode added current spectating player's information
Added current players spectating list - Added map refreshing function (To avoid restarting server for updating maps, in the future will be access to call it directly by command or admin form)
- Updated round panel information (At this moment during the whole round time all players see round timers even if players connected after the server had started)
- Added a new game player status: SPECTATE
- Rewrited MMR/EXP system after the round ends (At this moment it calculates new values depends on players count in the their teams)
- Updated control HUDs - changed from mp.game.graphics.drawText to CEF
- Updated Nametag HUD - added ID above the nickname
- Added circle camera when round is starting
- Fixed Fly mechanics, there was a bug when fly camera was attached to the wrong camera
- Added new control: F7 - toggling cursor
- Refactoring Round lifecycle events on clientside
- Refactoring Round lifecycle evnets on serverside
Still testing, might has issues - Fixed round statistic update (Added throttled functions to avoid spam events to serverside)
- Fixed shotgun pellets damage (There was invoked too many times which made a bug with kill)
- Fixed duplicate damage notify
- Fixed keyBind/keyUnbind methods (There was a bug which crashed client)
- Fixed debug error messages to players (Now it's hidden)