The TDM gamemode, based on the GTA V RAGE:MP Discord: League, RAGE:MP Gamemode
- MongoDB Community server v4.4.0 or above
- Setup the connection config.json (./serverside/assets/config.json) For example
"DB": {
"HOSTNAME": "localhost",
"PORT": "27017",
"USERNAME": "root",
"PASSWORD": "root",
"DATABASE": "league"
If you don't have typescript compiler
$ yarn add global typescript
Install dependecies
$ yarn
$ yarn build
For development with the watch mode it's recommended to change the build paths in cef/clientside/serverside to your server's folders for more flexibility.
For example (in the clientside), change the webpack.common.js
to something like this:
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
// Let's imagine that GIT folder in the %RAGEMP%/server-files/league
// And we are in the %RAGEMP%/server-files/league/clientside
// So make the path to the server client_packages
// To avoid the build project any time when files are changed
const outputPath = path.resolve("..", "..", "client_packages", "league")
// check if directory exists
// other code in webpack.common.js...
Roadmap (ru)