What's Changed
- Cleaned typing by @YanSte in #847
- Lightrag Server Launch fix. by @YanSte in #842
- fixed missing install by @YanSte in #848
- Refactor Database Connection Management and Improve Storage Lifecycle Handling by @ArnoChenFx in #846
- Fix office file indexing problem by @danielaskdd in #844
- updated docs by @YanSte in #856
- Updated doc by @YanSte in #857
- improved code of postgress and execution by @YanSte in #867
- Fallback Age by @YanSte in #869
- back age by @YanSte in #870
- Fixed broken ainsert_custom_kg() by @da-luggas in #811
Full Changelog: v1.1.7...v1.1.8