Releases: HKUDS/LightRAG
Releases · HKUDS/LightRAG
What's Changed
- fix AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'dim' by @konrad-woj in #931
- Add retrieval message code highlighting and copy button by @ArnoChenFx in #933
- Enhance Graph Visualization with Configurable Depth and Layout Iterations by @ArnoChenFx in #946
- fix this event loop is already running by @FeHuynhVI in #940
- add support for the single document and custom chunks method by @cnjack in #950
- Version 1.2.2 by @YanSte in #952
New Contributors
- @FeHuynhVI made their first contribution in #940
- @cnjack made their first contribution in #950
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2
What's Changed
- Added more file types support to the webui by @ParisNeo in #897
- Simplify dockerfile and docker-compose files by @ArnoChenFx in #905
- add support of providing ids for documents insert by @PiochU19 in #892
- fix insert_custom_chunks skipping every new doc by @konrad-woj in #906
- Refactor api server by split it to smaller files by @danielaskdd in #880
- Fix the demo issue of PG to cater with new LightRag changes by @ShanGor in #914
- Add support to namespace_prefix for postgres_impl by @ShanGor in #916
- fix apipeline_enqueue_documents by @enriquecatala in #923
- Simplify cli arguments by @danielaskdd in #925
- HotFix: fix document indexing error API Server, fix PostgreSQL error while handle doc with null bytes. by @danielaskdd in #908
- Implement Knowledge Graph API for NetworkX Storage by @danielaskdd in #928
New Contributors
- @PiochU19 made their first contribution in #892
- @konrad-woj made their first contribution in #906
Full Changelog: v1.1.12...v1.2.1
What's Changed
- Template github by @YanSte in #874
- updated template by @YanSte in #875
- Updated templates by @YanSte in #876
- Removed all useless try except around imports as pipmaster already handles that by @ParisNeo in #873
- cleaned code by @YanSte in #882
- Optimised returns by @YanSte in #883
- Cleanup of code by @YanSte in #885
- removed get_knowledge_graph by @YanSte in #886
- Improved Paralles by @YanSte in #887
- Parelle by @YanSte in #888
- Multi batches by @YanSte in #889
- fixed the behaviour Multi paralle by @YanSte in #890
- added lock by @YanSte in #891
- Add LlamaIndex LLM implementation module by @spo0nman in #864
- Database Cleanup by @YanSte in #898
- Database Cleanup by @YanSte in #899
- Database Cleanup by @YanSte in #900
Full Changelog: v1.1.9...v1.1.10
What's Changed
- Cleaned typing by @YanSte in #847
- Lightrag Server Launch fix. by @YanSte in #842
- fixed missing install by @YanSte in #848
- Refactor Database Connection Management and Improve Storage Lifecycle Handling by @ArnoChenFx in #846
- Fix office file indexing problem by @danielaskdd in #844
- updated docs by @YanSte in #856
- Updated doc by @YanSte in #857
- improved code of postgress and execution by @YanSte in #867
- Fallback Age by @YanSte in #869
- back age by @YanSte in #870
- Fixed broken ainsert_custom_kg() by @da-luggas in #811
Full Changelog: v1.1.7...v1.1.8
What's Changed
- chroma_impl supports local persistent client: PersistentClient by @hhxdestiny in #772
- Add MongoDB VectorDB Support and Optimize Existing MongoDB Implementations by @ArnoChenFx in #781
- Enhance Neo4j graph storage with error handling and label validation by @spo0nman in #780
- Improve .gitignore and .dockerignore by @YanSte in #784
- Code Cleanup & Maintenance Improvements by @YanSte in #782
- Update HuggingFace example in by @VeiledTee in #793
- Update by @St1veLiu in #794
- improve CORS and streaming response headers by @danielaskdd in #785
- Fix relative path problem & standardization vars name by @danielaskdd in #773
- Refactor File Indexing for Background Asynchronous Processing by @ArnoChenFx in #791
- new LightRAG WebUI by @ArnoChenFx in #792
- Fix: Correct component paths, add 'api' tab, and handle invalid num_turns by @ArnoChenFx in #800
- Add the token size truncation for local query and token size setting by env by @danielaskdd in #797
- Improved variable assignment to use your own azure open ai embedding … by @MdNazishArmanShorthillsAI in #802
- Enhancing ABC Enforcement and Standardizing Subclass Implementations by @YanSte in #795
- API insert Texts, Improvement stream and naming by @YanSte in #798
- Added system prompt support in all modes by @MdNazishArmanShorthillsAI in #806
- Improve WebUI with Markdown Rendering, Streaming Error Handling. by @ArnoChenFx in #816
- Fixed str enum by @YanSte in #817
- Fix neo4j
edge_properties format by @atYuguo in #812 - Fixed lint by @YanSte in #818
- feat: neo4j custom timeouts & fix: neo4j max_pool_size by @ultrageopro in #805
- fix: float usage in CONNECTION_TIMEOUT and CONNECTION_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT by @ultrageopro in #820
- Added full documentation on how to install postgresql and use it with lightrag on ubuntu system by @ParisNeo in #819
- Cleanup drop by @YanSte in #823
- Update - Imports by @VeiledTee in #824
- fallback default drops by @YanSte in #831
- Fixed keywords by @YanSte in #832
- fixed drop by @YanSte in #836
- Implement dynamic database module imports by @danielaskdd in #833
- Fixes and Enhancements for PostgreSQL and JSON Document Storage by @ParisNeo in #837
- cleanup code by @YanSte in #841
New Contributors
- @hhxdestiny made their first contribution in #772
- @VeiledTee made their first contribution in #793
- @St1veLiu made their first contribution in #794
- @atYuguo made their first contribution in #812
Full Changelog: v1.1.6...v1.1.7
Thanks all ❤️
What's Changed
- Improve LLM Error Handling for API Server by @danielaskdd in #712
- Split ollama api to separated file by @danielaskdd in #717
- fix graph viewer crash on macos when show file dialog by @ArnoChenFx in #718
- Fixing .env file loading problem for Ollama API module by @danielaskdd in #719
- fix: add keyword_extraction param support for LLM func of API Server by @danielaskdd in #720
- Fix mutable default param by @danielaskdd in #722
- Improve error handling by @danielaskdd in #723
- Rename startup script and service files for better clarity by @danielaskdd in #728
- feat: trimming the model’s reasoning by @ultrageopro in #724
- add namespace prefix to storage namespaces by @ArnoChenFx in #729
- improve namespace handling by @ArnoChenFx in #732
- Fixed Pipe Insert & Code Cleanup by @YanSte in #734
- Improve Parallelism & Fix Bugs After Testing by @YanSte in #739
- add qdrant backend, enable MongoGraphStorage based on config by @ArnoChenFx in #738
- Updated documentation by @YanSte in #735
- fix(postgres): update document status with partial update instead of … by @Brenon28 in #741
- Integrate gemini client into Lightrag by @gurjot-05 in #750
- add MongoDocStatusStorage by @ArnoChenFx in #751
- Fix incorrect usage of insert_file API by @TITC in #754
- graph viewer webui by @ArnoChenFx in #737
- Add datastore selection feature for API Server by @danielaskdd in #744
- Exclude .env from Docker Image & Mount as Volume in docker-compose.yml by @enriquecatala in #759
- fix: neo4j MAX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE impl by @ultrageopro in #764
- Fix typos in documentation tree structure and storage check rules by @danielaskdd in #765
- Fix various runtime errors by @ArnoChenFx in #768
- Move document scanning trigger by command line to background task by @danielaskdd in #766
- Fixe the delete by @YanSte in #769
- Enable LiteLLM proxy with embedding_binding_host by @enriquecatala in #771
New Contributors
- @YanSte made their first contribution in #734
- @Brenon28 made their first contribution in #741
- @TITC made their first contribution in #754
- @enriquecatala made their first contribution in #759
Full Changelog: v1.1.5...v1.1.6