🧑💻🧱⚒️🖌 Besides software craftsmanship, 🎧🎸 I also love making and listening music.
📖 I consider myself a life-long learner.
⚛️ Now I’m a React.js developer with the core fundamentals of JavaScript, providing resilient features with REST API on top.
😄 Yet I prefer discuss about programming good products, instead of what language or framework is the best.
This project is a SPA built with React, TypeScript and TailwindCSS which mimics the look and feel of the official Marvel Characters' page.
It fetches data from the Marvel API and allows users to navigate through a list of characters to a character detail page.
This project is currently in progress.
Link to Playing with Marvel API's repo
It's tested with Jest and React Testing Library with a user interaction approach.
The purpose on it is practicing and showcasing my Accesible UI Development skills and sensibility, by keeping high standards of software quality.
In order to abstract both domain and presentational logic, I'm extracting the UI patterns on its own UI components library eldav1d-marvel-ui. This is also an ongoing effort. You can check it's progress on its own eldav1d-marvel-ui repo
CoverGig is a MERN app for music equipment rental among particulars. Its purpose is facilitating the backline coverage on small gigs.
Link to Front End repo: /~https://github.com/Pepirob/gig-equipment-rental-client
Link to Back End repo: /~https://github.com/Pepirob/gig-equipment-rental-server
In collaboration with the awesome Jose Luis Piñero
DiscoLect is platform for amateur music album reviewing powered by Spotifuy API and built with MVC patterns built over a Express JS, MongoDB, Mongoose and HBS stack.
In collaboration with the awesome Jose Luis Piñero
Link to repo: /~https://github.com/Pepirob/discolect
A vertical oriented game where player moves horizontally, picking bonus items and avoiding collisions.It is ta deep diving into OOP patterns upon SOLID, CLEAN and AGILE principles; by only Vanilla JS programing on HTML 2d Canvas.
Link to repo: /~https://github.com/ElDav1d/riff-lord-doomskulls-catcher
- React.js
- JavaScript ES6
- TypeScript
- CSS3
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Node.js