Link to server side repo: /~
A single page application built over MERN stack
This project is generated with:
- Ironlauncher on server side
- Create-React-App on client side
CoverGig is an app for the rental of instruments and sound equipment for concerts between individuals.
npm install
# or
yarn add
This project is using Cloudinary as image storage, Stripe software for payment system and Jason-Web-Tokens as authentication/authorization method. Place your required secrets on:
npm run start
# or
yarn rev
- 500: As a user I can see a 500 page so that I know it is a server problem
- 404: As a user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault
- Register/Login: As a user I can login to the platform so that I can access to the site utilities.
- Logout: As a user I can logout from the platform so no one else can use it.
- Edit/delete profile: As a user I can edit and delete my own account so I have own management will.
- Renting process ensurence: As a user I can't delete equipment, nor my account whenever a transaction process is opened so that the exchange is safer
- Rent your Equipment As a user I can upload my own equipment for renting others
- List Equipment As a user I want to see the equipment so that i can choose one to rent
- Search Equipment by location As a user I want to search equipment by location so that I can rent nearby equipment
- Rent Equipment As a user I want to pay other users for equipment renting services
- See my equipment As a user I want to see my own equipment so that I can manage it
- See my transactions As a user I want to see all transactions I am involved as client aswell as provider.
- Mark as delivered/returned As a user I need to track my transaction state and set it to delivered if i recieved the equipment I rented, or returned if client gives back my own equipment.
- See other user profile As a user I need to access to other users profiles so that I can interact with them
- Mark equipment as favourite and add it to your own wishlist displayed in your profile
Geo Location:
- Search equipment by Geo Location.
- Chat implementation for better user interaction
- / - Homepage
- /register - Signup form
- /login - Login form
- /dashboard- User Dashboard
- /profile - User Profile
- /profile/edit - Profile edit form
- /my-equipment - User's equipment list
- /equipment/:equipmentId - Equipment details
- /equipment/:equipmentId/edit - Equipment edit form
- /my-transactions - User's transactions list
- /transaction/:transactionId - Transaction details
- /user/:userId - Other user profile
- /create-equipment - Create equipment form
- /payment-success - Payment success info
- /error - 500
- /* - 404
- Home Page (public)
- Sign in Page (public)
- Log in Page (public)
- Create Equipment Page (user only)
- Dashboard Page (user only)
- Equipment details Page (user only)
- Edit equipment Page (user only)
- My equipment Page (user only)
- My transactions Page (user only)
- Transaction details Page (user only)
- Payment Success Page (user only)
- Profile Page (user only)
- Edit profile Page (user only)
- User Page (user only)
- Not Found Page (public)
- Error Page (public)
- Create Equipment component
- Dashboard component
- Equipment Details component
- Equipment Edit component
- Home Domponent
- My Equipment component
- My Transactions component
- Payment Success component
- Profile component
- Profile Edit component
- Transaction Details component
- User component
- Image Styles component
- Input: props: any
- Output: logo: string
- Item Equipment component
- Input: item: any
- Output: item(id: string, img: string, name: string)
- Item Transaction component
- Input: item: any
- Output: item(id: string, equipment(img: string, name: string), state: string), remainingDays: number
- Layout component
- Input: props: any
- Output: props(children: any)
- Navbar component
- Input: props: any
- Output: logoIcon: string, props(children: any)
- Navigation Avatar component
- Input: user: any
- Output: user(img: string, name: string)
- Navigation Main component
- Output: user: any
- Nav Item component
- Input: path: string, children: any
- Output: children: any
- Search Form component
- Input: setSearchInput: function
- Form Checkout component
- Output: message: string
- Form Create Equipment component
- Output: wrongFileMessage: string, errorMessage: string
- Form Edit Equipment component
- Input: equipmentData: any
- Output: equipmentData(img: string, name: string, description: string, pricePerDay: number, deposit: number), wrongFileMessage: string, errorMessage: string
- Form Login component
- Output: identifier: string, password: string, errorMessage: string
- Form Profile Edit component
- Input: userData: any
- Output: userData(img: string, name: string, id: string), imgUrl: string, username: string, email: string, location: string, phoneNumber: number, wrongFileMessage: string
- Form Register component
- Output: username: string, email: string, location: string, phoneNumber: number, password: string, errorMessage: string
- Form Total Price component
- Input: pricePerDay: number, deposit: number, setTotalDays: function, totalDays: number
- Output: pricePerDay: number, totalDays: number, deposit: number
- Link Contact component
- Input: owner: string, client: string
- Output: owner: string, client: string
- List Equipment component
- Input: equipment: any
- Output: item: any
- List Transactions component
- Input: transactions: any
- Output: item: any
- Navigation Cta component
- Sheet Equipment component
- Input: equipment: any
- Output: equipment(name: string, img: string, pricePerDay: number, deposit: number, isAvailable: boolean, description: string, id: string, owner(id: string)), errorMessage: string
- Sheet Transaction component
- Input: transaction: any
- Output: transaction(equipment(name: string, img: string, pricePerDay: number, deposit: number), state: string), rentingPeriod: number
- User Details component
- Input: user: any
- Output: user(username: string, location: string, email: string, img: string, phoneNumber: number)
Auth Service
- loginService(newUser)
- signupService(credentials)
- verifyService()
Equipment Service
- createEquipmentService(data)
- getAvailableEquipmentService()
- getLocatedEquipmentService(searchQuery)
- getMyEquipmentService()
- getEquipmentDetailsService(equipmentId)
- updateEquipmentService(equipmentId, data)
- deleteSingleEquipmentService(equipmentId, ownerId)
- deleteAllEquipmentService(ownerId)
Payment Service
- createPaymentIntentService(productId, totalDays)
- updatePaymentIntentService(paymentIntentInfo)
Transactions Service
- getTransactionDetailsService(transactionId)
- getTransactionsService
- updateTransactionStateService(transactionId, body)
- deleteTransactionsByEquipmentService(equipmentId)
- deleteTransactionsByUserService(userId)
Upload Service
- uploadEquipmentImgService(img)
- uploadUserImgService(img)
User Service
- getUserService(userId)
- updateUserService(userId, body)
- deleteUserService(userId)
User model
email - String // required, unique & trim
username - String // required & unique
email - String // required & unique
location - String // required & unique
phoneNumber - Number // required
password - String // required
wishlist - [String]
img - String // default
Equipment model
owner - ObjectID<User>
name - String // required & lowecase
pricePerDay - Number // required
deposit - Number // required
description - String // maxlength
img - String // default
isAvailable - Boolean // default
Transaction model
equipment - ObjectID<Equipment>
client - ObjectID<User>
daysRented - Number // default
state - String // enum & default
paymentIntentId - String // required
clientSecret - String // required
- POST /auth/signup
- body:
- username
- password
- location
- phoneNumber
- body:
- POST /auth/login
- body:
- identifier
- password
- body:
- GET /auth/verify
- POST /equipment
- body:
- name
- pricePerDay
- deposit
- description
- img
- payload:
- id
- body:
- GET /equipment
- query:
- location
- query:
- GET /equipment/my-equipment
- payload:
- id
- payload:
- GET /equipment/:equId
- params: equId
- PATCH /equipment/:equId
- params: equId
- body:
- owner
- name
- pricePerDay
- deposit
- description
- img
- isAvailable
- DELETE /equipment/:equId
- params: equId
- query: ownerId
- payload: id
- DELETE /equipment/all/:userId
- params: userId
- POST /transaction/create-payment-intent
- body: equipId
- payload:
- username
- query: totaldays
- PATCH /transaction/update-payment-intent
- body:
- clientSecret
- paymentIntentId
- body:
- PATCH /transaction/:transactionId
- params: transactionId
- body: state
- DELETE /transaction/:equipmentId
- params: equipmentId
- GET /transaction
- params: userId
- GET /transaction/:transactionId
- params: transactionId
- POST /upload/equipmentImg
- file: file
- POST /upload/userImg
- file: file
- GET /user/:userId
- params: userId
- PATCH /user/:userId
- params: userId
- payload: id
- body:
- username
- location
- phoneNumber
- wishlist
- creditCard
- DELETE /user/:userId
- params: userId
- payload: id
TRELLO or picture of your physical board