CubeEngine is a rendering engine written in C++, developed as a personal hobby project and for portfolio purposes. This engine utilizes an integrated renderer based on both OpenGL and Vulkan. The primary objective of this project is to implement features learned from college courses, particularly those focused on OpenGL graphics. Furthermore, the project aims to adapt and apply these OpenGL-based techniques to Vulkan, thereby gaining proficiency in both graphics APIs.
- Latest Graphics Driver
- GPU with Vulkan version or above supported
- Discrete GPU recommended
- Download Vulkan SDK Minimum Version
Currently it only supports MSVC compiler(Visual Studio 2022 Recommended).
- Open CMD at a root directory.
- Input "mkdir build" -> "cd build" -> "cmake .."
- Set "Project" project as a startup project
All required APIs and Libraries are integrated in Project.
- Running on OpenGL & Vulkan Graphics APIs.
- Batch Rendering
- ImGui Integrated
- SoundManager with ImGui UI
- Basic 2D Game Engine Features
- 3D Plane, Cube(3D Collision Applied), Sphere, Tours, Cylinder, Cone Meshes + Normal Debugger
- Assimp Model Loading
- Blinn-Phong Lighting, Physically Based Rendering
- PBR Image Based Lighting
- Skybox
- Deferred Shading
- Normal / Parallax Mapping
- C++ Code Optimization
Licensed under the MIT License.
Music by DavidKBD under the CC BY 4.0 License.
Music by Abstraction under the CC0 1.0 Universal License.
Asset by Pupkin
Sound Effect by 効果音ラボ