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vne edited this page Oct 15, 2013 · 3 revisions


A lightweight and convenient generator of sort functions for arrays of objects and objects of objects that works both on server (NodeJS) and client (browser) sides.

Written by Vladimir Neverov in 2013.

Homepage: /~


SortJS can be used to sort arrays of objects and objects of objects by multiple properties. An array may look like this:

var array = [
	{ id: 1, surname: 'Smith', name: 'John', age: 30, income: 32000, percent: 55.3 },
	{ id: 2, surname: 'smith', name: 'Susanne', age: 28, income: 40000, percent: 55.1 },
	{ id: 3, surname: 'Bittey', name: 'Chris', age: 55, income: 20000, percent: 87.5 },
	{ id: 4, surname: 'The Fourth', name: 'Jane', age: 387, income: 150000, percent: 15.8 },
	{ id: 5, surname: 'Quinne', name: 'Stew', age: 5, income: 8500, percent: 31.7 },
	{ id: 6, surname: 'augsburg', name: 'Theodor', age: 154, income: 210000, percent: 99.9 },
	{ id: 7, surname: 'Zorro', name: 'Vasily', age: 30, income: 17000, percent: 7.3 }

An object may look like this:

var obj = {
	1: { surname: 'Smith', name: 'John', age: 30, income: 32000, percent: 55.3 },
	2: { surname: 'smith', name: 'Susanne', age: 28, income: 40000, percent: 55.1 },
	3: { surname: 'Bittey', name: 'Chris', age: 55, income: 20000, percent: 87.5 },
	4: { surname: 'The Fourth', name: 'Jane', age: 387, income: 150000, percent: 15.8 },
	5: { surname: 'Quinne', name: 'Stew', age: 5, income: 8500, percent: 31.7 },
	6: { surname: 'augsburg', name: 'Theodor', age: 154, income: 210000, percent: 99.9 },
	7: { surname: 'Zorro', name: 'Vasily', age: 30, income: 17000, percent: 7.3 }

Both can be sorted using SortJS. In case of an array you get a sorted array, in case of an object you get a sorted array of object keys.

By default, SortJS returns a copy of a source array (as opposed to build-in Javascript method). This behaviour can be altered.

As a module (default)

var sortjs = require('sortjs');
var sortedArray = sortjs.sort(array, ["surname", "name"]); // returns new array in requested order
var sortedObjKeys = sortjs.sort(obj, ["surname", "name"]); // returns array of object keys sorted in requested order

sortjs.sort(array, ["surname", "name"], true);             // perform an inplace sort like build-in Javascript method
sortjs.inplace(array, ["surname", "name"]);                // another way of doing inplace sorting

As an Array or Object method (includes mangling of native objects prototypes!)

var sortjs = require('sortjs');
sortjs.improve();                                      // add .sortjs method to Array and Object prototypes
var sortedArray = array.sortjs(["surname", "name"]); 
var sortedObjKeys = obj.sortjs(["surname", "name"]);   // be careful, this returns keys of the object

sortjs.clear()                                         // remove added .sortjs method from Array and Object prototypes 

sortjs.improve(true);                                  // add .sortjs method to prototypes performing inplace sorting for arrays
array.sortjs(["surname", "name"]);

array.isortjs(["surname", "name"]);                    // another way of doing inplace sorting

List of sort fields

An array of property names should be specified to do the actual sort. Property names are case-sensitive. They can have the following prefixes:

  • – (minus sign) means reverse sorting by this property
  • i: (letter 'i' followed by a colon) means case-insensitive string comparison by this property
  • s: (letter 's' followed by a colon) means case-sensitive string comparison by this property
  • n: (letter 'n' followed by a colon) means integer comparison by this property
  • f: (letter 'f' followed by a colon) means float comparison by this property

Minus and one of the letters can be combined like this: '-i:property'. More than one letter prefix is not allowed (and is not needed).


  • ['i:surname', 'i:name', 'i:midname'] - sort case-insensitevely by surname, then by name, then by midname
  • ['-n:price', 'i:address'] - reverse numerical (integer) sort by price, then case-insensitevely by address

Tests and examples

More examples of library usage can be found in test.js file. To run tests you will need Mocha, the tests themselves use built-in NodeJS assert module. To run tests in browser open test.html file.