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C++ DSP library for MATLAB similar programming.

This is a library for those who hate this kind of code:

std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), [](auto& v){
    return v * 0.3;

auto power = std::accumulate(x.begin() + lb, x.begin() + rb, 0.0, [](double accum, const std::complex<double>& v) {
    return accum + (v.real() * v.real() + v.imag() * v.imag());

auto r = std::vector<double>(x1.size());
for (int i=0; i < r.size(); ++i) {
    r[i] = x1[i] * x2[i];

auto p = fftw_plan_dft_1d(N, x, spec, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

and who likes this:

using namespace dsplib;
x *= 0.3;
auto power = sum(abs2(*x.slice(lb, rb)));
auto r = x1 * x2;
auto spec = fft(x);


dsplib matlab numpy
x * x x .* x x * x
zeros(20) zeros(20, 1) zeros(20)
x.slice(0,10) = 1 x(1:10) = 1 x[0:10] = 1
x.slice(2,end) = 1 x(3:end) = 1 x[2:] = 1
x.slice(2, 4) = {1, 2} x(3:4) = [1, 2] x[2:4] = [1, 2]
x.slice(0, -1) x(1:end-1) x[0:-1]

Only 1-D arrays with element-wise operations are currently supported.

Scalar operations:

dsplib::real_t v1;
dsplib::cmplx_t v2;
v1 = 10;
v2 = v1;
v2 = 10-10i;
v2 = {10, -10}; = 10; = -10;
v2 = std::complex<double>(10, -10);

Vector operations:

using namespace dsplib;
arr_real x1 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
arr_cmplx x2 = {1i, 1+2i, 4, -5-5i};
x2.slice(2, 4) = {1i, 2i};
arr_real y1 = x1 * x1;
arr_real y2 = x1 * 1000;
arr_cmplx y3 = x1 * x2;
arr_cmplx y4 = x2 * 1000;
arr_cmplx y5 = x2.slice(0, 2);
arr_cmplx y6 = x1 * 2i;


The behavior of slices is as close as possible to numpy. Except for cases with invalid indexes, in which case numpy does not throw an exception.

arr_real x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
x.slice(0, 2) ///{0, 1}
x.slice(2, -1) ///{2, 3, 4, 5}
x.slice(-1, 0, -1) ///{6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
x.slice(-1, 0) ///OUT_OF_RANGE, but numpy returns []
x.slice(0, -1, -1) ///OUT_OF_RANGE, but numpy returns []
x.slice(-8, 7) ///OUT_OF_RANGE, but numpy returns [0 1 2 3 4 5 6]

Fast Fourier Transform:

The FFT/IFFT calculation table is cached on first run. To eliminate this behavior, you can use the FftPlan object.

arr_real x = randn(500);
arr_cmplx y1 = fft(x);  //500
arr_cmplx y2 = fft(x, 1024); //1024

Inverse Fast Fourier Transform:

arr_cmplx x = 1i * zeros(512);
x[10] = 1;
arr_cmplx y = ifft(x);

FIR filter:

const auto h = fir1(100, 0.1, FilterType::Low);
auto flt = FftFilter(h);
arr_real x = randn(10000);
arr_real y = flt(x);

Hilbert filter:

auto flt = HilbertFilter();
arr_real x = randn(10000);
arr_cmplx y1 = flt(x);
arr_cmplx y2 = hilbert(x);

Add White Gaussian Noise:

arr_real x = randn(10000);
arr_real y = awgn(x, 10);   //snr=10dB


arr_real x1 = randn(500);
arr_real x2 = awgn(x1, 10);
arr_real y = xcorr(x1, x2);

Delay estimation:

arr_real x1 = randn(500);
arr_real x2 = delayseq(x1, 100);
auto d1 = finddelay(x1, x2);    ///d1=100
auto [d2, _] = gccphat(x2, x1);   ///d2=100.0

Spectrum Analyze:

const int n = 1024;
arr_real x = randn(n);
x *= window::hann(n);
arr_cmplx y = fft(x) / (n/2);
y = y.slice(0, n/2+1);
auto z = pow2db(abs2(y));   //20*log10(..)

FIR filter design:

auto x = randn(10000);
auto h = fir1(99, 0.1, 0.2, FilterType::Bandstop);
auto flt = FirFilter(h);
auto y = flt(x);

Adaptive filters:

//simulate room impulse response
int M = 50;
auto rir = fir1(M-1, 0.1);
auto flt = FirFilter(rir);

int L = 100000;
auto x = randn(L);      //ref signal
auto n = 0.01 * randn(L);
auto d = flt(x) + n;    //mic signal

auto rls = RlsFilterR(M, 0.98, 1000);
auto [y, e] = rls(x, d);

ASSERT_LE(nmse(flt.coeffs(), rir), 0.01);


To process signal in batches (for example, in real time), use modules FIRDecimator, FIRInterpolator, FIRRateConverter or FIRResampler. The output signal will be delayed, but there will be no gap between frames.

To process the entire signal (for example, from a file), use function resample(x, p, q). The processing result will be aligned.

//44100 -> 16000
auto rsmp = dsplib::FIRResampler(16000, 44100);
auto out = rsmp.process(in);
auto rsmp = dsplib::FIRRateConverter(160, 441);
auto out = rsmp.process(in);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 16000, 44100);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 160, 441);
//32000 -> 16000
auto decim = dsplib::FIRDecimator(2);
auto out = decim.process(in);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 1, 2);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 16000, 32000);
//16000 -> 32000
auto interp = dsplib::FIRInterpolator(2);
auto out = interp.process(in);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 2, 1);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 32000, 16000);



  • CMake (>=3.10)
  • C++ compiler for C++17 standard (gcc, clang, msvc, mingw)

Build and install:

# set DSPLIB_USE_FLOAT32=ON to enable float base type (double by default)
# set DSPLIB_NO_EXCEPTIONS=ON to disable exceptions
# set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON to build shared lib
cmake . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --target=install

Use CPM manager:

CPMAddPackage(NAME dsplib
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} dsplib)


To build and run benchmarks:

cmake --build build

The implementation of non-power-of-two FFT is based on the general factorization algorithm. It is usually slower, but not critical.

For prime and semi-prime numbers, the czt algorithm is used, which can be significantly slower (but not as slow as regular DFT).

Use FFT(N!=2^K) only if you know what you are doing.

Run on (20 X 5100 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 48 KiB (x10)
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x10)
  L2 Unified 2048 KiB (x10)
  L3 Unified 24576 KiB (x1)
Benchmark                                     Time             CPU   Iterations
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/1024/min_time:5.000          4.61 us         4.61 us      1503885
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/1331/min_time:5.000          37.5 us         37.5 us       185462
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/1536/min_time:5.000          12.7 us         12.7 us       533535
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/1984/min_time:5.000          60.3 us         60.3 us       116035
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/2048/min_time:5.000          10.4 us         10.4 us       672628
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/4096/min_time:5.000          23.0 us         23.0 us       303742
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/8192/min_time:5.000          53.2 us         53.2 us       131683
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/11200/min_time:5.000          266 us          266 us        26324
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/11202/min_time:5.000          511 us          511 us        13702
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/16384/min_time:5.000          113 us          113 us        62225

BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/1024/min_time:5.000        1.03 us         1.03 us      6563943
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/1331/min_time:5.000        4.20 us         4.20 us      1673972
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/1536/min_time:5.000        1.89 us         1.89 us      3666687
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/1984/min_time:5.000        12.3 us         12.3 us       553932
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/2048/min_time:5.000        2.43 us         2.43 us      2814851
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/4096/min_time:5.000        6.82 us         6.82 us      1027944
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/8192/min_time:5.000        14.7 us         14.7 us       479778
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/11200/min_time:5.000       22.2 us         22.2 us       310204
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/11202/min_time:5.000        135 us          135 us        51474
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/16384/min_time:5.000       30.1 us         30.1 us       231342

BM_KISSFFT/1024/min_time:5.000             4.25 us         4.25 us      1640712
BM_KISSFFT/1331/min_time:5.000             42.2 us         42.2 us       170796
BM_KISSFFT/1536/min_time:5.000             8.47 us         8.47 us       787339
BM_KISSFFT/1984/min_time:5.000             71.1 us         71.1 us        96450
BM_KISSFFT/2048/min_time:5.000             13.0 us         13.0 us       536075
BM_KISSFFT/4096/min_time:5.000             21.1 us         21.1 us       331449
BM_KISSFFT/8192/min_time:5.000             54.6 us         54.6 us       129238
BM_KISSFFT/11200/min_time:5.000             127 us          127 us        54032
BM_KISSFFT/11202/min_time:5.000           27936 us        27935 us          250
BM_KISSFFT/16384/min_time:5.000            98.5 us         98.5 us        69101


  • Select FFT backend type (fftw/ne10)
  • Add matrix syntax support
  • Add custom allocator for base_array<T> type
  • Add audioread/audiowrite functions (optional libsndfile?)
  • Add chain syntax like fft(x)->abs2()->pow2db()
  • Use const_span<T> args