C++ DSP library for MATLAB similar programming.
This is a library for those who hate this kind of code:
std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), [](auto& v){
return v * 0.3;
auto power = std::accumulate(x.begin() + lb, x.begin() + rb, 0.0, [](double accum, const std::complex<double>& v) {
return accum + (v.real() * v.real() + v.imag() * v.imag());
auto r = std::vector<double>(x1.size());
for (int i=0; i < r.size(); ++i) {
r[i] = x1[i] * x2[i];
auto p = fftw_plan_dft_1d(N, x, spec, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
and who likes this:
using namespace dsplib;
x *= 0.3;
auto power = sum(abs2(*x.slice(lb, rb)));
auto r = x1 * x2;
auto spec = fft(x);
dsplib | matlab | numpy |
x * x | x .* x | x * x |
zeros(20) | zeros(20, 1) | zeros(20) |
x.slice(0,10) = 1 | x(1:10) = 1 | x[0:10] = 1 |
x.slice(2,end) = 1 | x(3:end) = 1 | x[2:] = 1 |
x.slice(2, 4) = {1, 2} | x(3:4) = [1, 2] | x[2:4] = [1, 2] |
x.slice(0, -1) | x(1:end-1) | x[0:-1] |
Only 1-D arrays with element-wise operations are currently supported.
dsplib::real_t v1;
dsplib::cmplx_t v2;
v1 = 10;
v2 = v1;
v2 = 10-10i;
v2 = {10, -10};
v2.re = 10;
v2.im = -10;
v2 = std::complex<double>(10, -10);
using namespace dsplib;
arr_real x1 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
arr_cmplx x2 = {1i, 1+2i, 4, -5-5i};
x2.slice(2, 4) = {1i, 2i};
arr_real y1 = x1 * x1;
arr_real y2 = x1 * 1000;
arr_cmplx y3 = x1 * x2;
arr_cmplx y4 = x2 * 1000;
arr_cmplx y5 = x2.slice(0, 2);
arr_cmplx y6 = x1 * 2i;
The behavior of slices is as close as possible to numpy. Except for cases with invalid indexes, in which case numpy does not throw an exception.
arr_real x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
x.slice(0, 2) ///{0, 1}
x.slice(2, -1) ///{2, 3, 4, 5}
x.slice(-1, 0, -1) ///{6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
x.slice(-1, 0) ///OUT_OF_RANGE, but numpy returns []
x.slice(0, -1, -1) ///OUT_OF_RANGE, but numpy returns []
x.slice(-8, 7) ///OUT_OF_RANGE, but numpy returns [0 1 2 3 4 5 6]
The FFT/IFFT calculation table is cached on first run. To eliminate this behavior, you can use the FftPlan object.
arr_real x = randn(500);
arr_cmplx y1 = fft(x); //500
arr_cmplx y2 = fft(x, 1024); //1024
arr_cmplx x = 1i * zeros(512);
x[10] = 1;
arr_cmplx y = ifft(x);
const auto h = fir1(100, 0.1, FilterType::Low);
auto flt = FftFilter(h);
arr_real x = randn(10000);
arr_real y = flt(x);
auto flt = HilbertFilter();
arr_real x = randn(10000);
arr_cmplx y1 = flt(x);
arr_cmplx y2 = hilbert(x);
arr_real x = randn(10000);
arr_real y = awgn(x, 10); //snr=10dB
arr_real x1 = randn(500);
arr_real x2 = awgn(x1, 10);
arr_real y = xcorr(x1, x2);
arr_real x1 = randn(500);
arr_real x2 = delayseq(x1, 100);
auto d1 = finddelay(x1, x2); ///d1=100
auto [d2, _] = gccphat(x2, x1); ///d2=100.0
const int n = 1024;
arr_real x = randn(n);
x *= window::hann(n);
arr_cmplx y = fft(x) / (n/2);
y = y.slice(0, n/2+1);
auto z = pow2db(abs2(y)); //20*log10(..)
auto x = randn(10000);
auto h = fir1(99, 0.1, 0.2, FilterType::Bandstop);
auto flt = FirFilter(h);
auto y = flt(x);
//simulate room impulse response
int M = 50;
auto rir = fir1(M-1, 0.1);
auto flt = FirFilter(rir);
int L = 100000;
auto x = randn(L); //ref signal
auto n = 0.01 * randn(L);
auto d = flt(x) + n; //mic signal
auto rls = RlsFilterR(M, 0.98, 1000);
auto [y, e] = rls(x, d);
ASSERT_LE(nmse(flt.coeffs(), rir), 0.01);
To process signal in batches (for example, in real time), use modules FIRDecimator
, FIRInterpolator
, FIRRateConverter
or FIRResampler
. The output signal will be delayed, but there will be no gap between frames.
To process the entire signal (for example, from a file), use function resample(x, p, q)
. The processing result will be aligned.
//44100 -> 16000
auto rsmp = dsplib::FIRResampler(16000, 44100);
auto out = rsmp.process(in);
auto rsmp = dsplib::FIRRateConverter(160, 441);
auto out = rsmp.process(in);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 16000, 44100);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 160, 441);
//32000 -> 16000
auto decim = dsplib::FIRDecimator(2);
auto out = decim.process(in);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 1, 2);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 16000, 32000);
//16000 -> 32000
auto interp = dsplib::FIRInterpolator(2);
auto out = interp.process(in);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 2, 1);
auto out = dsplib::resample(in, 32000, 16000);
- CMake (>=3.10)
- C++ compiler for C++17 standard (gcc, clang, msvc, mingw)
# set DSPLIB_USE_FLOAT32=ON to enable float base type (double by default)
# set DSPLIB_NO_EXCEPTIONS=ON to disable exceptions
# set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON to build shared lib
cmake . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --target=install
CPMAddPackage(NAME dsplib
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} dsplib)
To build and run benchmarks:
cmake --build build
The implementation of non-power-of-two FFT is based on the general factorization algorithm. It is usually slower, but not critical.
For prime and semi-prime numbers, the czt algorithm is used, which can be significantly slower (but not as slow as regular DFT).
only if you know what you are doing.
Run on (20 X 5100 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 48 KiB (x10)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x10)
L2 Unified 2048 KiB (x10)
L3 Unified 24576 KiB (x1)
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/1024/min_time:5.000 4.61 us 4.61 us 1503885
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/1331/min_time:5.000 37.5 us 37.5 us 185462
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/1536/min_time:5.000 12.7 us 12.7 us 533535
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/1984/min_time:5.000 60.3 us 60.3 us 116035
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/2048/min_time:5.000 10.4 us 10.4 us 672628
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/4096/min_time:5.000 23.0 us 23.0 us 303742
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/8192/min_time:5.000 53.2 us 53.2 us 131683
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/11200/min_time:5.000 266 us 266 us 26324
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/11202/min_time:5.000 511 us 511 us 13702
BM_FFT_DSPLIB/16384/min_time:5.000 113 us 113 us 62225
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/1024/min_time:5.000 1.03 us 1.03 us 6563943
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/1331/min_time:5.000 4.20 us 4.20 us 1673972
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/1536/min_time:5.000 1.89 us 1.89 us 3666687
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/1984/min_time:5.000 12.3 us 12.3 us 553932
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/2048/min_time:5.000 2.43 us 2.43 us 2814851
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/4096/min_time:5.000 6.82 us 6.82 us 1027944
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/8192/min_time:5.000 14.7 us 14.7 us 479778
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/11200/min_time:5.000 22.2 us 22.2 us 310204
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/11202/min_time:5.000 135 us 135 us 51474
BM_FFTW3_DOUBLE/16384/min_time:5.000 30.1 us 30.1 us 231342
BM_KISSFFT/1024/min_time:5.000 4.25 us 4.25 us 1640712
BM_KISSFFT/1331/min_time:5.000 42.2 us 42.2 us 170796
BM_KISSFFT/1536/min_time:5.000 8.47 us 8.47 us 787339
BM_KISSFFT/1984/min_time:5.000 71.1 us 71.1 us 96450
BM_KISSFFT/2048/min_time:5.000 13.0 us 13.0 us 536075
BM_KISSFFT/4096/min_time:5.000 21.1 us 21.1 us 331449
BM_KISSFFT/8192/min_time:5.000 54.6 us 54.6 us 129238
BM_KISSFFT/11200/min_time:5.000 127 us 127 us 54032
BM_KISSFFT/11202/min_time:5.000 27936 us 27935 us 250
BM_KISSFFT/16384/min_time:5.000 98.5 us 98.5 us 69101
- Select FFT backend type (fftw/ne10)
- Add matrix syntax support
- Add custom allocator for
type - Add audioread/audiowrite functions (optional libsndfile?)
- Add chain syntax like
- Use