This repository contains the lecture notes to EEC260 - Random Signal and Noise. This is a graduate-level course that covers the basics of Probability and various models of stochastic processes.
- Chapter 1 - Probability
- Chapter 2 - Random Variables
- Chapter 3 - Limit Theorem
- Chapter 4 - Stochastic Process
- Chapter 5 - Markov Chain
- Chapter 6 - Weiner Process
- Chapter 7 - Poisson Process
- Overall, the probability part of the course is interesting and I got to consolidate my foundations better.
- The random signal/process parts were a bit dry. Lots of memorizing and using the formula.
- Overall, I'll give this course a 2.5/5.
- The notes were during the Fall Quarter of 2023 while taking Professor Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar's EEC260 class. View more about the course information on this page:
- The notes contain images from Professor Ghaffar's lecture notes.