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A Markov Chain is a discrete-time Markov process. If X(0), X(1),... is a sequence of random variables, then this sequence is a Markov chain if
$$P(X(t+1) = i_{t+1}|X(t) = i_{t}, X(t-1) = i_{t-1},\dots,X(0)=i_{0})= P(X(t+1)=i_{t+1}|X(t)=i_{t}) = P_{i, j}$$
where $p_{i,j} \geq 0$ and $\sum_{0}^{\infty} p_{i, j} = 0$.
for all nonnegative integers $t$ and all values $i_{t+1}, i_{t},\dots,i_{0}$ for $X(t + 1), X(t),\dots, X(0)$ respectively.
We consider only finite-state Markov chains. That is, the values assumed by the random variables form a finite set, $S$, which we take to be $\Set{1, 2,\dots,N}$.
$t$ denotes time. Intuitively, this means given the present, the future is independent of the past.
The elements of $S$ are states. If $X(t) = i$, the state at time $t$ is $i$.
Initiali State refers to the random variable $X(0)$.
The Markov chain is homogeneous if $P(X(t+1) = j|X(t)=i)$, which means i and j deosn't depend on $t$.
Transition Probability Matrix
The matrix P is called the (one-step) transition probability matrix.
All its elements are nonnegative and the sum of elements in any row is 1.
The m-Step Transition Probability
We define the m-step transition probability $p_{i, j}^{(m)}$, for $m \geq 1$ to be the probability that $X(t + m) = j$ given that $X(t) = i$, that is $p_{i, j}^{(m)} = P(X(t + m) = j | X(t) = i)$.
The Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations
The Chapman-Kolmogorov Equation tells us that to get the $m$ step transition matrix, we could get the $m = 1$ transition matrix and raise it to the power $m$.
$$P^{(m)} = P^{m}$$
State Distribution
The PMF of $X(t)$ is represented by the vector $\boldsymbol{\pi(t)} = (\pi_1(t), \pi_2(t),\dots, \pi_{N}(t))$, in which $\pi_{i}(t) = P(X(t) = i)$. This vector is the state distribution of the Markov Chain $X(t)$ at time $t$.
The state distribution $\pi(0)$ of the initial state $X(0)$ is the initial distribution of the chain.
In addition, we have
$$\boldsymbol{\pi}(t+m) = \boldsymbol{\pi}(t)\boldsymbol{P}^{m}=\boldsymbol{\pi}(t)\boldsymbol{P}^{(m)}$$
Stationary Distribution
A distribution $\pi$ is stationary if $\boldsymbol{\pi} = \boldsymbol{\pi} \bold{P}$
Every Markov chain has at least one stationary distribution.
Limiting Distribution
A Markov chain has a limiting distribution if for every initial distribution $\boldsymbol{\pi}(0)$, the limit $\lim_{t \to \infty} \boldsymbol{\pi}(t)$ exists and is independent of $\boldsymbol{\pi}(0)$.
This limit is $\boldsymbol{\pi}(\infty)$, and it's the limiting distribution of the chain.
A Markob chain has a limiting distribution if and only if for any initial distribution $\boldsymbol{\pi}(0)$, $\lim_{t \to \infty}\boldsymbol{\pi}(0)\bold{P}^{t}$ exists and is independent of $\boldsymbol{\pi}(0)$.
The limit is a matrix, denoted by $\bold{P}^{\infty}$, and all of its rows are identical. The limiting distribution is the common row in $\bold{P}^{\infty}$.
Classification of States
Communicating Class
We say that state $j$ is accessible from state $i$ if $p_{i, j}^{(m)} > 0$ for some $m \geq 0$. That is, it's possible
to reach state $j$ from state $i$ in some nonnegative number of steps. This is written as $i \to j$.
Note that $p_{i, i}^{(0)} = 1$ and $p_{i, j}^{(0)} = 0$ if $i \neq j$.
$i$ and $j$communicates if $j$ is accessible from $i$ and $i$ is accessible from $j$. This is $i \leftrightarrow j$.
$$i \leftrightarrow j \iff (i \rightarrow j \land j \rightarrow i)$$
Properties of Communicativity
Two states that communicate with each other are said to be in the same communicating class.
We say that the Markov chain is irreducible if it has only one communicating class, thus all states in the Markov chain communicate with each other.
The Markov chain is irreducible if and only if for all $i, j \in S, p_{i,j}^{(m)} > 0$ for some $m \geq 0$.
The period of a state $i$ is defined as
$$d_i = gcd\Set{m \geq 1 : p_{i, i}^{(m)} > 0}$$
if there is a positive integer $m$ for which $p_{i, i}^{(m)} > 0$.
In other words,
If starting from state $i$, it is possible to revisit state $i$ at some future time with positive probability.
Otherwise, if $p_{i, i}^{(m)} = 0$ for all $m \geq 1$, then we define $d_i = \infty$.
We say that a Markov chain is aperiodic if every state has period equal to 1.
If two distinct states $i$ and $j$ communicates, $i \leftrightarrow j$, then they have the same period.
Important Theorem: Every irreducible aperiodic Markov chain has a limiting distribution.
Recurrent and Transient States
We say that state $i$ is recurrent if it is accessible from every state $j$ which is accessible from $i$. That is $i \to j$ implies $j \to i$.
A finite state Markov Chain has at least one recurrent state.
A state $i$ is transient if it is not recurrent. That is, there exists at least one stae $k$ that can be reached from $i$ but from which there is no return to $i$.
Absorbing State and Absorbing Markov Chain
$f_{i, j} = \sum_{m = 1}^{\infty} f_{i,j}^{(m)}$ is the probability of accessing state $j$ given that the chain starts in state $i$, in a positive number of steps.
A state is absorbing if $p_{i,i}^{(1)} = 1$. That is, once the chain reaches state $i$, it never leaves that state.
A Markov chain is absorbing if it has at least one accessible absorbing state and from any state, there is at least one accessible absorbing state.
Thus, the Markov chain is absorbing if and only if every recurrent state is absorbing, since a recurrent state needs to be able to reached back again.
The rest of the state will be transient states.
Probability To Reach An Absorbing State
Let $j$ be an absorbing state in an absorbing Markov chain.
Let $A_j$ be the event that the Markov chain is eventually absorbed in state $j$.
Then $f_{i,j}$ is the probability of this event given that the Markov chain starts at the transient state $i$.
$$f_{i,j} = p_{i, j} + \sum_{k \in S_{Tr}}p_{i, k} f_{k, j}$$
Where $S_{Tr}$ is the set of transient states.
Note: $p_{i, j}$ without superscript denotes the one-step probability.
Time to Be Absorbed in an Absorbing State
Let $T_{absorb}$ be the time it takes to be absorbed in some absorbing state and $\mu_i$ be the average of this time if the Markov chain starts at the transient state $i$. We have
$$\mu_i = 1 + \sum_{j \in S_{Tr}}p_{i,j}\mu_{j}$$