Web components and a web worker for painting Julia and Mandelbrot sets on a web page.
Sep 24, 2019 - JavaScript
Julia Sets are mathematical objects relating to the field of complex dynamics. In general, Julia sets are studied in parallel to Fatou sets, as they are complementary sets defined from a complex function.
To be specific, in a metric space
To approximate images of these sets, a common approach is to iterate the function of interest over some subset of the complex plane, which often yield beautiful fractals.
Web components and a web worker for painting Julia and Mandelbrot sets on a web page.
cool visualizations made with the Canvas API
The famous Julia Set, coded in P5JS
💠 🔷 🔻 A project based in Computer Graphics and Interfaces. This project was built using HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascade Style Sheets), JavaScript and WebGL (Web Graphics Library). The application allows to see Fractals' structures with multiple scales and, using some of the both Benoit Mandelbrot and Gaston Julia's sets, in the ca…
😵💫 Visual fractal explorer (Julia/Mandelbrot/Burning Ship sets)
A Javascript program to print the Julia Set
Julia set in JavaScript with zoom and pan