Net Core Api startup project that can be used as base to upgrade legacy projects or start new one
Dec 28, 2023 - C#
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. The claims in a JWT are encoded as a JSON object that is used as the payload of a JSON Web Signature (JWS) structure or as the plaintext of a JSON Web Encryption (JWE) structure, enabling the claims to be digitally signed or integrity protected with a Message Authentication Code (MAC) and/or encrypted.
Net Core Api startup project that can be used as base to upgrade legacy projects or start new one
KodaDair, modern yazılım geliştirme prensipleri ve .NET ekosisteminin sunduğu güçlü kütüphaneleri bir araya getiren bir altyapı projesidir. Kaynağın amacı hızlı, sürdürülebilir ve yüksek kaliteli uygulama geliştirme imkanı sunmak, alt yapısal olarak ihtiyaç duyulan birçok yapıyı aynı çatı altına toplamaktır.
Repository for the ".NET 6 Web API & Entity Framework Core Jump Start" Course on Udemy.
Engin Demiroğ C# Yazılım Geliştirici Yetiştirme Kampı Final Projesinin C# ile Yazılan Back-End Kısmı.
a tool for crack(BruteForce) jwt ( json web tokens)
Effortlessly decode, inspect, and validate JWTs
This repository contains a sample project that provides token-based authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
Services of users: session, account, ... in the VIEApps NGX
Example to create an authentication using JWT in ASPNETCORE / Exemplo para criar de uma atenticação usando JWT em ASPNETCORE
Asp.Net Core JSON Web Token Kullanımı
Dynamic app where users can explore a vast collection of books and courses, leave comments, and engage in discussions. With personalized features, users can add their favorite books and courses to their favorites list, ensuring they never lose track of what interests them. Discover, learn, and connect with a community of avid readers and learners.
Inlämningsuppgift i Dynamiska Webbsystem 2
Desenvolvimento Pessoal - BackEnd
The Event organizing application is developed using a clean architecture approach, utilizing .NET, React, TypeScript, and MySQL, to ensure a robust and maintainable codebase.
JWT secured APIs access with jQuery Ajax
Authentication system built in ASP.NET Core 6
This project is an API-based car park management system.
Assignment Web developer .NET, A web application developed in Dynamic Web System 2 (submission task). Aimed at associations that are connected to Sweden's United Film Studios (SFF), where you can book/order films for your association via an API and client interface.
Sitedeki dairelerdeki kullanıcılarla ilgili çeşitli işlemleri gerçekleştirerek site yönetimini etkin bir şekilde sürdürebilmesini sağlayan bir projedir.
Created by M. Jones, J. Bradley, N. Sakimura
Released May 2015