Flutter-first UI testing framework. Ready for action!
Jan 17, 2025 - Dart
Integration testing is a type of software testing that focusses on larger parts of the software than unit testing, and is more process-oriented and less about just checking simple calculations between input and output data. This ensures, that multiple units work together (they integrate with each other) to walk through different steps.
Flutter-first UI testing framework. Ready for action!
[Flutter SDK V.1] - 🎬 MovieApp is a Flutter application built to demonstrate the use of modern development tools with best practices implementation like Modularization, BLoC, Dependency Injection, Dynamic Theme, Cache, Shimmer, Testing, Flavor, CI/CD, etc.
Runs Flutter integration tests on real devices in cloud.
Headline News Application using API from https://newsapi.org
A simple to use mocking package for Dio intended to be used in tests.
[Flutter SDK V.1] - Flutter application using base architecture component like BLoC pattern, RxDart, Http, SQFlite, Flavor, Unit Testing (Mockito), Instrumentation Testing and etc 🔥
🎬 Flutter Movie App - Final project submission "Dicoding - Menjadi Flutter Developer Expert".
A Pomodoro timer app built with Flutter.
A simple project with cool animations and fluid UI, where I demonstrate how I code and structure my code. It contains implementations of GraphQL in Flutter. It is well-tested with clean and readable integration tests code and unit tests.
Flutter unit testing and integration test example
An Flutter Movie App to display data in infinite scrollable view with Screen Orientation support.
A simple app example with the "clean Architecture" model. Created step by step for Udemy. Unittesting, Integrationtesting Bloc and Cubit testing
A fully tested Flutter app that allows users to store and retreive todos (tasks to do)
Flutter app with, GraphQL, TDD, clean architecture, design patterns, SOLID, unit tests, widget tests, integration tests, cubit tests, etc.
🧪 Fundamentals of Dart Testing
A NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day API consumer app
fest is a simple snapshot testing utility for flutter inspired by Jest. Perform integration testing and compare snapshots ranging from Screenshots, Render Tree and Layer Tree.
Flutter best practices ( Null Safety , MVI architecture using bLOC package , TDD , Unit testing , Widget Testing , Integration testing , CI/CD pipeline using code magic )
Counter app with bloc state management