Measure energy and carbon consumption of software
Feb 28, 2025 - Python
This topic gathers projects that exemplify or help to provide green computing. Green software is engineered to reduce energy consumption, which considers factors like algorithmic and language efficiency, networking, storage footprint, compute requirements, and so forth. Some projects follow great green software practices that should be highlighted; others help the rest of the world greenify their own code. The projects collected here are a mix of both.
Measure energy and carbon consumption of software
🌱 EcoLogits tracks the energy consumption and environmental footprint of using generative AI models through APIs.
Increasing carbon efficiency and footprint awareness for software applications.
Eco-Code Analyzer is a Python library that analyzes code for its ecological impact and provides a score based on various factors such as energy efficiency, resource usage, and code optimizations.
My Course Work for the Green Software Development Course conducted by EcoITCon
This project focuses on lossless compression techniques optimizing space, time, and energy for multiplications between binary (or ternary) matrix formats and real-valued vectors.