🏛️💾️🖼️2️⃣️0️⃣️2️⃣️4️⃣️ The module for my life story project that contains my Internet Archive usage images from the year 2024.
Dec 5, 2024 - XML
GNU General Public License is a free software license published by the Free Software Foundation whose main terms guarantee users the freedom to share and change the software.
🏛️💾️🖼️2️⃣️0️⃣️2️⃣️4️⃣️ The module for my life story project that contains my Internet Archive usage images from the year 2024.
📚️ A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Fuzzy Markup Language (FML) markup language, and continuing to learn the language.
🔳️🎚️🌐️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️ Information on Trello usage by @seanpm2001
🔰️💳️🌐️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️ Information on LiberaPay usage by @seanpm2001
🌳️🌐️#️⃣️ The Bliss Browser XUL language support module, allowing XUL documents and programs to be written in and ran within the browser.
🇵☁️🌐️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️ Information on pCloud usage by @seanpm2001
⌨️ The Fuzzy Markup Language (FML) markup language IDE submodule for SNU Programming Tools (2D Mode)
🇹🟧️🌐️🇸.🇼.🇼 Information on Thingiverse usage by @seanwallawalla
🔰️💳️🌐️ Information on LiberaPay usage by @seanpm2001 / @seanwallawalla
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the XML markup language, and continuing to learn the language.
☕️💸️🌐️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️ Information on Ko-Fi usage by @seanpm2001
💽️🌐️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️ Information on former Degoo usage by @seanpm2001
🌳️🌐️#️⃣️ The Bliss Browser XML language support module, allowing XML documents to be written in and ran within the browser.
📢️🖼️👤️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️ The Public Media Gallery of @seanpm2001 (Git-variant)
⌨️ The LegalXML programming language IDE submodule for SNU Programming Tools (2D Mode)
🔵️🌐️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️ Information on Signal usage by @seanpm2001
💽️🌐️ Information on former Degoo usage by @seanpm2001 / @seanwallawalla
🏛️💾️ The official source repository for the activities of @seanpm2001 on the Internet Archive (archive.org)
The XML Programming language IDE submodule for SNU Programming Tools (2D Mode)
🏛️💾️🖼️ The module for my life story project that contains my Internet Archive usage images.