UMAT subroutines (for FEA code Abaqus) to model progressive damage/failure in FRP composites
Jul 8, 2023 - Fortran
Fortran is a statically typed compiled programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation, and scientific computing.
While Fortran has been in use since its inception by John Backus at IBM in 1957, it still remains popular today, especially for computationally intensive
applications including numerical weather prediction, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, computational physics, crystallography, and
computational chemistry. Despite its age, new language revisions include syntax and semantics for modern language ideas including pointers, recursion,
object orientated programming features, and parallel programming using Coarray Fortran.
UMAT subroutines (for FEA code Abaqus) to model progressive damage/failure in FRP composites
Tetris-style game written in FORTRAN-95
Modified Shepard Algorithm for Interpolation of Scattered Multivariate Data
Euler equations unstructured solver using kinetic flux vector splitting (KFVS) scheme
This is a repository for FORTRAN 90/95 codes used in my CH332-Computational Chemistry course to handily address Complex Numerical Methods in Quantum Chemistry like Time-dependent Schrodinger Equation.
Adaptive Multistep Numerical ODE Solver
The Fortran codes for fast implementation of the Continuous Wavelet Transform of the 1D signals
Port of classic Lunar Lander game to Fortran
Illustrate how to implementing a pointer array in Fortran 95/2003, and give a routine which allows us deleting an element in the pointer array.
Fortran 95 implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes
💻 🎓 Teaching materials for my Fortran programming courses
Fortran-Programme zur Vorlesung "Programmieren für Mathematiker" der TU Dresden im WS2017/18 und SS2018
A place for Fortran source code examples from all versions of the language, along with a general playground, so I and the community can experiment with Fortran programming.
This Repository contains FORTRAN 90/95 codes utilized in my CH332-Computational Chemistry course to handily address Complex Numerical Methods in Quantum Chemistry like Time-subordinate Schrodinger Equation.
A fork of my repo DataStructuresF95, with Intel Fortran (part of Intel OneAPI HPC toolkit), and Visual Studio 2019 integration
Abaqus Subroutines for Coupling Abaqus with Universal Simulation Coupling Interface
Fortran code used for MEP model to describe microbial biogeochemistry in Siders Pond, MA
Created by John W. Backus
Released April 1957