EDCT is a tool for large quantity trades in Elite: Dangerous. It is very useful for fleet carrier owners
Jun 20, 2023 - Java
Elite Dangerous is a space flight simulation game with open-ended, massively multiplayer gameplay. It is set in a realistic 1:1 scale open-world representation of the Milky Way galaxy.
EDCT is a tool for large quantity trades in Elite: Dangerous. It is very useful for fleet carrier owners
Elite:Dangerous Android Application. (ED_Tool-server can be found here: /~https://github.com/SmokeyMcBong/ED_Tool-server)
Elite:Dangerous PC Sendkey Server. (to work with /~https://github.com/SmokeyMcBong/ED_Tool)
Proyecto para trastear con los datos de eddb.io
A local http-based API that echos the contents of your Elite Dangerous Journal files. Useful for web-based tools :^)
Reads the log and gives the commander additional information
Quest System made for DaVinci Corporation, in the Elite: Dangerous game universe.
Elite dangerous journal event system for Java
Created by Frontier Developments
Released December 16, 2014