Releases: texus/TGUI
Releases Β· texus/TGUI
- New widget: ContextMenu
- Added handleWindowEvents function to SFML backend (only for SFML 3)
- Added onRightClick signal to ListBox
- Added onTabRightClick signal to Tabs
- Added setSmooth and isSmooth to CanvasSFML
- Changed the way the view is handled in CanvasSFML
- Pressing escape now closes the menu from ContextMenu or MenuBar
Nightly build
- Added CloseBehavior property to ChildWindow
- Added addMultipleItems to ListBox and ComboBox
- Added getItemByIndex, getIndexById and getIdByIndex to ComboBox
- Added setSpinButtonWidth function to SpinControl
- Numpad keys may now move the cursor in text fields when Num Lock is off
- setOrientation in Slider or SpinButton will no longer flip width and height
- setSize in Slider or SpinButton no longer affects orientation once setOrientation is called
- Fixed crash on exit when tool tip was visible
- Fixed wrong arrow sizes for horizontal spin button
- Fixed view not being usable in CanvasSFML
- TreeView didn't visually update when calling setItemIndexInParent or changeItemHierarchy
- Added uniform scrollbar access to all widgets with a scrollbar
- Added getter for hovered item to ListBox, ListView, PanelListBox, Tabs and TreeView
- Added option to buttons to only repond to clicks and ignore space/return key presses
- Added setItemIndexInParent and getItemIndexInParent functions to TreeView
- Added changeItemHierarchy to TreeView
- Scrollbar::setOrientation will no longer flip width and height
- Scrollbar::setSize no longer affects orientation once setOrientation is called
- Grid didn't update its size in remove and setAutoSize functions while auto-sizing
- Opacity of ScrollablePanel wasn't applied to its scrollbars
- Setting opacity of SeparatorLine had no effect
- SFML backend no longer uses sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed to check modifier keys
- New widget: SplitContainer
- Added MaxValue getter to Scrollbar
- Added ScrollbarMaxValue getters to widgets with a scrollbar
- Added getPixelsPerPoint() to BackendRenderTarget
- Inner size of ScrollablePanel now depends on shown scrollbars
- Replaced VerticalScroll with Orientation in Slider, Scrollbar and SpinButton
- Multiple fixes to EditBoxSlider widget
- New backend: raylib
- New widget: EditBoxSlider (PR #238)
- All widgets can now be configured to ignore mouse events
- Added HorizontalLayout and VerticalLayout to replace widget-specific enums
- Added method to associate user data to combo box items
- Added onWindowFocus and onWindowUnfocus signals
- Renamed isKeptInParent to getKeepInParent in ChildWindow
- Renamed limitTextWidth to setTextWidthLimited in EditBox
- String::fromNumber now supports int8_t (but no longer accepts pointers)
- BackendTextureSFML::getInternalTexture() now returns a pointer
- BackendFontSFML::getInternalFont() now return a pointer
- Added Theme::replace function
- Added TreeView::changeItem function
- Added TreeView::getNode function
- Added ignoreMouseEvents function to canvas widgets
- Added Panel::setEventBubbling to enable more intuitive event propagation
- Replaced getWidgetAtPosition with getWidgetAtPos
- getWidgetBelowMouseCursor was given a parameter for recursive search
- Textures with different part rects were incorrectly considered equal
- showWithEffect didn't show widget if a hide animation was still playing
- Setting opacity of a SubWidgetContainer didn't work
- SubWidgetContainer didn't support show/hide animations