Releases: texus/TGUI
Releases · texus/TGUI
- Arrow keys can now be used to navigate TreeView
- Control/shift now affect using arrow keys in multi-select ListView
- Added Texture::setDefaultSmooth to choose default interpolation setting
- String::split now takes an optional boolean to trim the returned values
- Kerning calculation now takes bold text style into account (only if SFML >= 2.6)
- Added setWidgetIndex and getWidgetIndex functions to container
- Added String::contains function
- saveWidgetsToFile now makes paths relative to the form path
- Tool tips will no longer be displayed outside the window when close to the side
- Exception is now thrown when loading a font fails
- TabContainer can now create the panels internally
- Button text was lost when copying button
- Down state of button wasn't displayed properly anymore when a focus state existed
- Image in BitmapButton was searched in wrong directory when loading from form file
- Form files didn't load on Windows when path contained non-ANSI characters
- Modification time in FileDialog was empty when MinGW compiler was used
- Clipping in SDL backend was incorrect when view and viewport were changed
- Opacity of color wheel wasn't set when making ColorPicker transparent
- Added new SpinControl widget (combination of EditBox and SpinButton) (PR #135)
- Added new TabContainer widget (combination of Tabs with Panel below) (PR #139)
- Holding down arrow on SpinButton will now keep chaning the value (PR #137)
- Added insertItem function to ListView (PR #138)
- Up and down arrows now change selected item in ListBox and ListView (PR #146)
- Horizontal scrollbar can now depend on item width in ListView (PR #147)
- Added support to copy selected ListView items to clipboard (PR #148)
- Add setTextSize for SubwidgetContainer (PR #149)
- Added SDL/OpenGL backend as alternative for default SFML backend
- Rewrote signal system again,
is nowb->onPress(...)
- Added new FileDialog widget
- Added new ToggleButton widget
- Added new SeparatorLine widget
- Added support for setting mouse cursor + use them on resizable child windows
- Added timers and optional gui.mainLoop()
- Added experimental setOrigin, setScale and setRotation functions to Widget
- Added ThumbWithinTrack to Slider renderer to have thumb align with track on sides
- Added DoubleClick signal to Panel
- Added ViewChanged signal to GuiBase
- Added hover and selected border colors for Tabs
- Added TextureSelectedTrack property to RangeSlider renderer
- Added String::fromNumberRounded to convert float to string with a fixed amount of decimals
- Added startsWith and endsWith helper functions to String
- Added RoundedBorderRadius property to button renderer
- Separators can be added to MenuBar by inserting menu items with "-" string
- ListBox and ListView can now store user data in their items
- ListView icons can be given a fixed size to rescale all icons to requested size
- Replaced all std::string and sf::String by tgui::String
- Replaced Text, Color, Rect and Vector2 classes from SFML with own versions
- Replaced sf::Text::Style with tgui::TextStyle
- Replaced setView in Gui by view/viewport setters with absolute or relative values
- Added onClosing signal to ChildWindow to have a better way to abort closing it
- Signal names, renderer names and widget/renderer properties are now case-sensitive
- Added setWidth and setHeight helper functions
- Added getCheckedRadioButton to RadioButtonGroup
- Textures are now smooth by default
- Size of ChildWindow now includes borders and title bar
- When setView is not called on Gui, view will now scale with window size
- Menus of menu bar are now always on top of all other widgets
- Swapped padding and alignment parameters of addWidget in Grid
- Moved uncheckRadioButtons from Container to RadioButtonGroup
- Theme::setDefault now takes a shared_ptr or a filename as parameter
- Changed return type of addItem in ListBox/ComboBox to return index of the item
- Changed Knob value type from int to float
- Changed default value of ChangeItemOnScroll in ComboBox to false
- Changed default value of ExpandDirection in ComboBox to Automatic
- Changed default value of ScrollbarPolicy in Label to Automatic
- Renamed TextBox to TextArea
- Renamed getMenuList in MenuBar to getMenus
- Renamed mouseOnWidget to isMouseOnWidget
- Renamed TextStyle class to TextStyles and TextStyles::Style enum to TextStyle
- Default scroll amount in ScrollablePanel now depends on global text size
- Gui::getFont now returns the global font if no font was set in the Gui
- Container now translates the widget position before calling draw function
- Dragging scrollbar inside child window didn't work when mouse left child window
- Selected part of RangeSlider wasn't drawn when using textures
- Removed all code that was marked as deprecated
- Binding left and top in layouts now works correctly when the origin is changed
- Some other small changes that weren't added to the changelog
- ColorPicker widget added (PR #145)
- Added sortWidgets to Container to update the z-order of all widgets (PR #141)
- Added getWidgetBelowMouseCursor to Gui and getWidgetAtPosition to Container/Gui
- Added moveWidgetForward/moveWidgetBackward to Container to move widget one step in z-order
- Added parameter to focusNextWidget/focusPreviousWidget in Container to not look recursively
- Added enableSkipDrawingWidgetsOutsideView() to ScrollablePanel to enable optimization
- Tabs::remove didn't recalculate the tabs width
- SubwidgetContainer wasn't being compiled into the library
- Text orientation in Button wasn't updated when size changed
- Text position in EditBox didn't update when increasing width if text didn't fit before
- Up and down arrows now change selected item in ListBox and ListView (PR #146)
- Horizontal scrollbar can now depend on item width in ListView (PR #147)
- Added support to copy selected ListView items to clipboard (PR #148)
- Add setTextSize for SubwidgetContainer (PR #149)
- SDL backend is now compatible with OpenGL 4.1 and OpenGL ES 3.0
- Added new FileDialog widget
- Added new ToggleButton widget
- Added new SeparatorLine widget
- Added RoundedBorderRadius property to button renderer
- Added String::fromNumberRounded to convert float to string with a fixed amount of decimals
- Added startsWith and endsWith helper functions to String
- Added TextureSelectedTrack property to RangeSlider renderer
- Selected part of RangeSlider wasn't drawn when using textures
- Search resources in form file relative to form file path
- Print warning for invalid layout strings
- Binding left and top in layouts now works correctly when the origin is changed
- Added new SpinControl widget (combination of EditBox and SpinButton) (PR #135)
- Added new TabContainer widget (combination of Tabs with Panel below) (PR #139)
- Holding down arrow on SpinButton will now keep chaning the value (PR #137)
- Added insertItem function to ListView (PR #138)
- Added support for setting mouse cursor + use them on resizable child windows
- Added timers and optional gui.mainLoop()
- Added experimental setOrigin, setScale and setRotation functions to Widget
- Added ThumbWithinTrack to Slider renderer to have thumb align with track on sides
- Added DoubleClick signal to Panel
- Added ViewChanged signal to GuiBase
- Added hover and selected border colors for Tabs
- ListBox and ListView can now store user data in their items
- Rewrote signal system again,
is nowb->onPress(...)
- Replaced all std::string and sf::String by tgui::String
- Replaced Text, Color, Rect and Vector2 classes from SFML with own versions
- Replaced sf::Text::Style with tgui::TextStyle
- Replaced setView in Gui by view/viewport setters with absolute or relative values
- Added onClosing signal to ChildWindow to have a better way to abort closing it
- Signal names, renderer names and widget/renderer properties are now case-sensitive
- Added setWidth and setHeight helper functions
- Added getCheckedRadioButton to RadioButtonGroup
- Textures are now smooth by default
- Size of ChildWindow now includes borders and title bar
- When setView is not called on Gui, view will now scale with window size
- Menus of menu bar are now always on top of all other widgets
- Swapped padding and alignment parameters of addWidget in Grid
- Moved uncheckRadioButtons from Container to RadioButtonGroup
- Theme::setDefault now takes a shared_ptr or a filename as parameter
- Changed return type of addItem in ListBox/ComboBox to return index of the item
- Changed Knob value type from int to float
- Changed default value of ChangeItemOnScroll in ComboBox to false
- Changed default value of ExpandDirection in ComboBox to Automatic
- Changed default value of ScrollbarPolicy in Label to Automatic
- Renamed TextBox to TextArea
- Renamed getMenuList in MenuBar to getMenus
- Renamed mouseOnWidget to isMouseOnWidget
- Renamed TextStyle class to TextStyles and TextStyles::Style enum to TextStyle
- Default scroll amount in ScrollablePanel now depends on global text size
- Gui::getFont now returns the global font if no font was set in the Gui
- Container now translates the widget position before calling draw function
- Dragging scrollbar inside child window didn't work when mouse left child window
- Removed all code that was marked as deprecated
- Added RightClicked signal to TreeView (PR #125)
- Changed the keyboard shortcuts in EditBox and TextBox for macOS
- Added getIndexById and getIdByIndex to ListBox
- Added global setEditCursorBlinkRate function
- Added renderer properties in ComboBox for disabled state
- Added bind functions to layouts to bind to inner size
- Added getFocusedChild() and getFocusedLeaf() to Container and Gui
- Made updateTime() in Gui public and let it return whether something changed
- Picture had wrong size when loading from file with a relative size
- String to float conversion could fail since 0.8.6 when C locale was changed
- TextBox can now have a default text that is displayed when it is empty (PR #117)
- Added SignalManager class to connect signals by widget name (even if widget not loaded yet) (PR #112)
- Added setTextSize function to Widget and Gui to allow changing text sizes globally
- Improved TextureManager to only load image once if different parts of image are requested
- Index as optional parameter in SignalItem (which was added in 0.8.6) didn't actually work yet
- MenuItemClicked signal is now also emitted when clicking on menu that has no menu items
- Added option to not replace existing widgets when loading widgets from file
- Added isAnimationPlaying function to Widget (for the show and hide animations)
- Fixed linking issues when compiling TGUI as a static library while dynamically linking SFML
- MousePressed signal in ListBox is now send after the selected item changed instead of before
- Added sort function to ListView to sort data based on values in a chosen column (PR #107)
- Added function to Slider to disallow changing the value by scrolling the mouse wheel (PR #104)
- Added support for text outline in Label and Button widgets
- Added SelectionChanged signal to TextBox
- Added getSelectionStart and getSelectionEnd functions to TextBox
- Added mousePressed and mouseReleased to respond to different mouse buttons in custom widgets
- Added focusable property to widgets
- Added TextureBackground property to Label, Panel and ChildWindow renderers
- Added VerticalScrollAmount and HorizontalScrollAmount to ScrollablePanel
- Added functions to set and get scrollbar values in widgets that have a scrollbar
- Added right mouse clicked signals to ClickableWidget (base class for several widgets) and Panel
- Added HeaderClicked signal to ListView
- Addded Signals namespace with strings for signals of all widgets
- Added VerticalScroll property to Slider, Scrollbar and SpinButton, for more intuitive usage
- Added SubwidgetContainer class that should simplify combining widgets for a custom widget
- Added view to Canvas
- Added MultiSelect option to ListView
- PDB files are now included for Visual Studio builds
- Renamed TimeToDisplay to InitialDelay in ToolTip
- SignalItem (used by ListBox and ComboBox) can now have the item index as optional parameter
- Container widgets didn't pass right click event to child widgets
- Widget state was incorrect when starting a show/hide animation while another was still busy
- Disabling tabs widget caused selected tab to be deselected
- Vertical alignment in Label didn't work correctly when there was a scrollbar
- Knob never responded to mouse events on places where the background texture was transparent
- Text color wasn't updated in MenuBar when disabling and re-enabling widget
- Unicode text wasn't properly handled when loading/saving widgets from/to a widget file
- Fixed potential crash when creating a ProgressBar
- ListView clipped content in expanded column
- Big improvements to Gui Builder
- Svg images are now supported
- ComboBox can now contain some text when no item is selected
- Added function to ComboBox to disallow changing the selected item by scrolling the mouse wheel
- Added RightClicked signal to ListView
- Added functions to ListView to change existing items
- Support typing tabs in TextBox (if tab usage is disabled in gui)
- Added function to signals to temporarily disable callbacks
- Added addition and subtraction operators to Outline
- ChildWindow can now have a different border color in focused state
- Added function to select item in TreeView
- EditBox::setInputValidator now returns false when regex was invalid
- Let ComboBox send the ItemSelected event only after the mouse is released
- TitleBarHeight property of default renderer was ignored in ChildWindow
- Label didn't ignore events after ignoreMouseEvents was called
- Adding space around widgets in Grid to fill the given size wasn't working properly
- Loading widget from file failed when min or max was used in layout strings
- Added Changed signal to CheckBox and RadioButton (to more easily combine Checked and Unchecked)
- Added EscapeKeyPressed signal to ChildWindow
- ExpandDirection of ComboBox can now be set to Automatic
- Added min and max functions to layouts again
- Added horizontal grid lines to ListView
- Added option to ListView to expand the last column to fill the remaining space
- Allow a separator between the header and contents in a ListView
- Split separator in ListView into separator and vertical grid line
- Fixed corrupted white theme when DefaultTheme was initialized before Color constants