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Releases: tailwindlabs/tailwindcss


25 Feb 17:20
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  • Make JS APIs available to plugins and configs in the Standalone CLI (#15934)
  • Vite: Don't crash when importing a virtual module from JavaScript that ends in .css (#16780)
  • Fix an issue where @reference "…" would sometimes omit keyframe animations (#16774)
  • Ensure z-*! utilities are properly marked as !important (#16795)
  • Read UTF-8 CSS files that start with a byte-order mark (BOM) (#16800)
  • Ensure nested functions in selectors used with JavaScript plugins are not truncated (#16802)


  • Emit variable fallbacks when using @reference "…" instead of duplicate CSS variable declarations (#16774)


21 Feb 15:23
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  • Allow @import with theme(…) options for stylesheets that contain more than just @theme rules (#16514)


  • Don't add !important to CSS variable declarations when using the important modifier (#16668)
  • Vite: Ignore files and directories specified in your .gitignore file when using automatic source detection(#16631)
  • Vite: Don't rely on the module graph for detecting candidates to ensure setups with multiple Vite builds work as expected (#16631)
  • Vite: Ensure Astro production builds always contain classes used in client-only components (#16631)
  • Vite: Always scan raw file contents for utility classes before any other transforms have been applied to ensure utility classes are scanned without any additional escaping (#16631)
  • Ensure utilities with more declarations are always sorted before utilities with fewer declarations when utilities only define CSS variables (#16715)
  • Only include translate-z-px utilities once in compiled CSS (#16718)


  • Don't include theme variables that aren't used in compiled CSS (#16211, #16676)


18 Feb 16:07
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  • Export tailwindcss/lib/util/flattenColorPalette.js for backward compatibility (#16411)
  • Fix sorting of numeric utility suggestions when they have different magnitudes (#16414)
  • Show suggestions for fractions in IntelliSense (#16353)
  • Don’t replace _ in suggested theme keys (#16433)
  • Ensure --default-outline-width can be used to change the outline-width value of the outline utility (#16469)
  • Ensure drop shadow utilities don't inherit unexpectedly (#16471)
  • Export config and plugin types from tailwindcss/plugin for backward compatibility (#16505)
  • Ensure JavaScript plugins that emit nested rules referencing the utility name work as expected (#16539)
  • Statically link Visual Studio redistributables in @tailwindcss/oxide Windows builds (#16602)
  • Ensure that Next.js splat routes are scanned for classes (#16457)
  • Pin exact version of tailwindcss in @tailwindcss/* packages (#16623)
  • Upgrade: Report errors when updating dependencies (#16504)
  • Upgrade: Ensure a darkMode JS config setting with block syntax converts to use @slot (#16507)
  • Upgrade: Ensure the latest version of tailwindcss and @tailwindcss/postcss are installed when upgrading (#16620)


10 Feb 13:21
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  • Revert change to no longer include theme variables that aren't used in compiled CSS (#16403)


08 Feb 19:02
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  • Add @theme static option for always including theme variables in compiled CSS (#16211)


  • Remove rogue console.log from @tailwindcss/vite (#16307)


  • Don't include theme variables that aren't used in compiled CSS (#16211)


06 Feb 14:37
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  • Fix a crash when setting JS theme values to null (#16210)
  • Ensure escaped underscores in CSS variables in arbitrary values are properly unescaped (#16206)
  • Ensure that the containers JS theme key is added to the --container-* namespace (#16169)
  • Ensure theme @keyframes are generated even if an --animation-* variable spans multiple lines (#16237)
  • Vite: Skip parsing stylesheets with the ?commonjs-proxy flag (#16238)
  • Fix order-first and order-last for Firefox (#16266)
  • Fix support for older instruction sets on Linux x64 builds of the standalone CLI (#16244)
  • Ensure NODE_PATH is respected when resolving JavaScript and CSS files (#16274)
  • Ensure Node addons are packaged correctly with FreeBSD builds (#16277)
  • Fix an issue where @variant inside a referenced stylesheet could cause a stack overflow (#16300)


01 Feb 11:46
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  • Fix incorrect removal of @import url(); (#16144)


31 Jan 18:41
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  • Only generate positive grid-cols-* and grid-rows-* utilities (#16020)
  • Ensure escaped theme variables are handled correctly (#16064)
  • Ensure we process Tailwind CSS features when only using @reference or @variant (#16057)
  • Refactor gradient implementation to work around prettier/prettier#17058 (#16072)
  • Vite: Ensure hot-reloading works with SolidStart setups (#16052)
  • Vite: Fix a crash when starting the development server in SolidStart setups (#16052)
  • Vite: Don't rebase URLs that appear to be aliases (#16078)
  • Vite: Transform <style> blocks in HTML files (#16069)
  • Prevent camel-casing CSS custom properties added by JavaScript plugins (#16103)
  • Do not emit @keyframes in @theme reference (#16120)
  • Discard invalid declarations when parsing CSS (#16093)
  • Do not emit empty CSS rules and at-rules (#16121)
  • Handle @variant when at the top-level of a stylesheet (#16129)


29 Jan 19:25
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  • Include :open pseudo-class in existing open variant (#15349)


  • Remove invalid min-w/h-none utilities (#15845)
  • Discard CSS variable shorthand utilities that don't use valid CSS variables (#15738)
  • Ensure font-size utilities with none modifier have a line-height set e.g. text-sm/none (#15921)
  • Ensure font-size utilities with unknown modifier don't generate CSS (#15921)
  • Don’t suggest font weight utilities more than once (#15857)
  • Suggest container query variants (#15857)
  • Disable bare value suggestions when not using the --spacing variable (#15857)
  • Ensure suggested classes are properly sorted (#15857)
  • Don’t look at .gitignore files outside initialized repos (#15941)
  • Find utilities when using the Svelte class shorthand syntax across multiple lines (#15974)
  • Find utilities when using the Angular class shorthand syntax (#15974)
  • Find utilities when using functions inside arrays (#15974)
  • Ensure that @tailwindcss/browser does not pollute the global namespace (#15978)
  • Ensure that tailwind-merge is not scanned when using the Vite plugin (#16005)
  • Ensure CSS theme variables are available within shadow roots (#15975)
  • Fix crash when project lives in the / directory (#15988)
  • Ensure custom variants have a non-empty selector list (#16009)
  • Upgrade: Ensure JavaScript config files on different drives are correctly migrated (#15927)
  • Upgrade: Migrate leading-[1] to leading-none (#16004)
  • Upgrade: Do not migrate arbitrary leading utilities to bare values (#16004)


22 Jan 23:59
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Holy shit it's actually done — we just tagged Tailwind CSS v4.0.

Tailwind CSS v4.0 is an all-new version of the framework optimized for performance and flexibility, with a reimagined configuration and customization experience, and taking full advantage of the latest advancements the web platform has to offer.

  • New high-performance engine — where full builds are up to 5x faster, and incremental builds are over 100x faster — and measured in microseconds.
  • Designed for the modern web — built on cutting-edge CSS features like cascade layers, registered custom properties with @property, and color-mix().
  • Simplified installation — fewer dependencies, zero configuration, and just a single line of code in your CSS file.
  • First-party Vite plugin — tight integration for maximum performance and minimum configuration.
  • Automatic content detection — all of your template files are discovered automatically, with no configuration required.
  • Built-in import support — no additional tooling necessary to bundle multiple CSS files.
  • CSS-first configuration — a reimagined developer experience where you customize and extend the framework directly in CSS instead of a JavaScript configuration file.
  • CSS theme variables — all of your design tokens exposed as native CSS variables so you can access them anywhere.
  • Dynamic utility values and variants — stop guessing what values exist in your spacing scale, or extending your configuration for things like basic data attributes.
  • Modernized P3 color palette — a redesigned, more vivid color palette that takes full advantage of modern display technology.
  • Container queries — first-class APIs for styling elements based on their container size, no plugins required.
  • New 3D transform utilities — transform elements in 3D space directly in your HTML.
  • Expanded gradient APIs — radial and conic gradients, interpolation modes, and more.
  • @starting-style support — a new variant you can use to create enter and exit transitions, without the need for JavaScript.
  • not-* variant — style an element only when it doesn't match another variant, custom selector, or media or feature query.
  • Even more new utilities and variants — including support for color-scheme, field-sizing, complex shadows, inert, and more.

Start using Tailwind CSS v4.0 today by installing it in a new project, or playing with it directly in the browser on Tailwind Play.

For existing projects, we've published a comprehensive upgrade guide and built an automated upgrade tool to get you on the latest version as quickly and painlessly as possible.

For a deep-dive into everything that's new, check out the announcement post.