S2 RUT: Radiometric Uncertainty Tool for Sentinel-2 MSI L1C products (ESA IDEAS+ Programme)
First the following tools are needed at least:
- Oracle JDK version 8 or later
- Git client for fetching the source code
- Build tool Maven must be installed (version 3 or later)
Clone or fork the repository at GitHub
> git clone /~https://github.com/senbox-org/snap-rut.git
> cd snap-rut
You can update your checked-out sources from the remote repository by running
> git pull --rebase
Incremental build with Maven:
> mvn package
Clean build:
> mvn clean package
If you encounter test failures:
> mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
The build creates a SNAP plugin module file <project_dir>/target/nbm/snap-rut-<version>.nbm
Prerequisite: Download and install SNAP (https://step.esa.int/main/download/snap-download/). Because the RUT tool is written in Python it is also necessary to configure SNAP to use a python environment. For a guide on how to do this seee the following wiki page: https://senbox.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SNAP/pages/50855941/Configure+Python+to+use+the+SNAP-Python+snappy+interface If you need help to do this (it can be tricky), have a look at the user forum of SNAP (https://forum.step.esa.int/). There are already several helpful posts. If this is done, you can go on with the installation of the plugin.
Start SNAP (Desktop UI) and find the plugin manager in the main menu at
Tools / Plugins
- select tab Downloaded,
- click button Add Files and
- select the plugin module file
. - Click Install,
- then Close and
- restart SNAP.
You can also get latest official version when selecting the plgin from the Available Plugins tab.
Once the S2-RUT processor is installed into SNAP it can be run from the SNAP Desktop UI's main menu at Optical / Preprocessing / Sentinel-2 Radiometric Uncertainty Tool
Or in batch mode using SNAP's gpt
command-line tool found in ${SNAP_HOME}/bin
> gpt S2RutOp -h
For general help on using gpt call:
> gpt -h
Find the etc
folder in the SNAP installation directory. Inside this directory you will find the snap.conf
Change the access right of it so that you are allowed to make changes to it.
There you will find the extra_clusters
Specify the path, to the cluster folder of the build output directory.
Ensure to remove the '#' character at the beginning of the line.
Now when you start SNAP the build output is automatically used by SNAP and you can test the latest builds.