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Releases: sebinside/PremiereRemote

WebSocket Support

02 Feb 12:59
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This minor release adds a WebSocket server to PremiereRemote. This enables you to choose between HTTP and WS calls to trigger custom Premiere functionality. This becomes handy when controlling Premiere via external controller hardware like the Elgato Stream Deck+. See the readme for more details on the usage. A minimal working example (change the scale of clips using a dial) can be found here.

Additionally, several security fixes were applied by updating the dependencies.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0

The all new TypeScript-based PremiereRemote plugin

11 Dec 12:25
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Many things changed since the last release in 2018. The most noticeable are:

  • Name change: The name changed from AHK2PremiereCEP to PremiereRemote. In the last years, we learned that this plugin is capable to be used in way more environments than only AutoHotkey to remote control Adobe Premiere.
  • Language change: Host language switches from JavaScript to TypeScript. This gives users a more type-safe approach to define their own CEP-based functionality in Adobe Premiere
  • Support for Swagger: Based on the custom functionality, a web-based user interface is generated that gives a good overview of your functions
  • More custom functionality available: Besides enhancing the framework, I also added more own functionality, available in the custom branch
  • Update dependencies: All dependencies are updated to newer versions, several security issues resolved

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0

First running version

05 Oct 19:25
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