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BuildMaster is a wrapper around meson to make C/C++ project configuration convenient, faster, and remove boiler plate code


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Build Master

image Latest Release License: MIT GitHub stars GitHub stars GitHub stars

OS Build Status
Linux Linux Release Mode Unit Tests
Linux Linux Debug Mode Unit Tests
Windows Windows Debug Mode Unit Test
Windows Windows Release Mode Unit Test


Build Master is a wrapper around meson to make C/C++ project configuration convenient, and faster with a minimalistic json configuration file. It can do the same thing in just 70 lines of json that the bare meson does in 240 lines of!

I started this project to integrate frequently occuring Build Configurations, Packaging Workflow, and Generating CI Workflows for GitLab and GitHub across all my projects into just one system called Build Master. In fact, the goal of this project is to make it so good that any type of C/C++ software can be Built, Tested, Packaged and Deployed in just a few commands.


Build Master uses a fork of the original meson project
Link to the fork: /~

Current Capabilities

  • Only for C and C++ based projects
  • Multiple Targets
  • Simple and Minimalistic Json based build script (build_master.json)
  • Tested with projects with upto 5 to 7 dependencies (with diamond dependencies) and multiple targets can be built easily
  • Single command packaging and bundling for popular package managers (apt, dpkg, pacman, rpm), and window installers (.msi and .exe)
  • Github/Gitlab workflow generation for Building the project in different environments on different platforms each
  • Distributed project building for large number of source files to compile, C++ takes more time to compile so this feature is particularly beneficial for C++ projects

Building and Installing

Get the source code

$ git clone /~

Install modified meson

For Msys2 (windows)

$ ./

For Linux

$ sudo ./

Install build_master

Setup build configuration

$ meson setup build --buildtype=release

Now compile and install

$ meson install -C build

Resolving Build Errors

If you get certificate verify errors then execute the following commands in msys2 (mingw64)

$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-ca-certificates
$ update-ca-trust

If you're in linux then execute the following commands

$ sudo apt-get install ca-certifactes
$ update-ca-trust


Initializing a project

$ build_master init --name "BufferLib" --canonical_name "bufferlib"

The above commanad would create a file build_master.json containing default project configuration and for meson build system. You may also pass --directory=<path to a directory> into the above init command to specify where to put the build_master.json file.
By default init command would create main.c file in source directory, if you want C++ file then pass --create-cpp flag.

Configuring the project

$ build_master meson setup build --buildtype=release

The above command would invoke meson setup build --buildtype=release which will create a build directory and configure the project build config as release

Compiling the project

$ build_master meson compile -C build

The above command would compile the project

Regenerating the if build_master.json changes

$ build_master --update-meson-build

The above command checks if the current file is out of date and then regenerates overwriting the existing one.

$ build_master --update-meson-build --force

The above command does forcibly regenerates the existing even if it is upto date with build_master.json.

Displaying version of the build_master

$ build_master --version

The above command prints version and build mode information on stdout.

More Info

  • If build_master.json already exists then running build_master init --name "BufferLib" would produce an error/warning, to overwrite the existing file pass --force flag
  • If source directory already exists then running build_master init <args> would skip creating the directory and a main.c or main.cpp file. You'd have to remove the existing directory to automatically create source/main.cpp or source/main.c, OR you may also manually create.


If build_master.json is modified then running build_master command would regenerate the file overwritting the existing one

Example Build Master json file


build_master.json also allows C++ style single line comments

    // This project name could be anything (it is not used as filename for any of the build artifacts)
    "project_name" : "BufferLib",
    // This is similar to the project name but it is used for file names, so it must form a valid file name
    "canonical_name" : "bufferlib",
    "description" : "A memory buffer library",
    // Dependencies of this project (for all of its targets)
    "dependencies" : [ "calltrace", "meshgen" ],
    "defines" : [ "-DUSE_VULKAN_DRIVER" ],
    "release_defines": [ "-DBUF_RELEASE" ],
    "debug_defines": [ "-DBUF_DEBUG" ],
    // All of the subdirectories inside include will be installed into the environment's include directory
    // Typically you use should structure your project to have 'include/bufferlib' subdir. 
    "install_header_dirs" : [ "include/bufferlib" ],
    // Header inclusion directory common to all targets
    "include_dirs" : [ "include" ],
    // Extra linker arguments when compiling on Windows platform
    // It will be passed for each targets
    "windows_link_args" : [ "-lws2 " ],
    "targets" :
            "name" : "bufferlib_static",
            "is_static_library" : true,
            "description" : "Static Library for BufferLib",
            // These defines will be enabled when building bufferlib_static target
            "build_defines" : [ "-DBUF_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY" ],
            // These defines will be added as extra_cflags in pkg-config files
            "use_defines" : [ "-DBUF_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY" ]
            "name" : "bufferlib_shared",
            "is_shared_library" : true,
            // These defines will be enabled when building bufferlib_shared target
            "build_defines" : [ "-DBUF_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY" ],
            // These defines will be added as extra_cflags in pkg-config files
            "use_defines" : [ "-DBUF_USE_SHARED_LIBRARY" ]
            "name" : "client",
            "is_executable" : true,
            "defines" : [ "-DCLIENT_BUILD" ],
            // These source files are specific (in addition) to client target
            "sources" : [ "source/main.client.c" ],
            // Extra linker arguments specific for this target
            "windows_link_args" : [ "-lgdi" ]
            "name" : "server",
            "is_executable" : true,
            "defines" : [ "-DSERVER_BUILD" ],
            // These source files are specific (in addition) to server target
            "sources" : [ "source/main.server.c" ]
            "name" : "main",
            "is_executable" : true,
            "is_install" : true,
            // These source files are specific (in addition) to main target
            "sources" : [ "source/main.c" ]
            "name" : "main_test",
            "is_executable" : true,
            "dependencies" : [ "catch2-with-main" ],
            "is_install" : false,
            "sources" : [ "source/main_test.c" ]
    // These source files will be compiled in each target as common source files
    "sources" :

Example Build Master json file (Taken from TempSys)

    "project_name": "TemplateSystem",
    "canonical_name": "tempsys",
    "description" : "Macro based Templates in C",
    "install_headers" : [
            "files" : [ "include/template_system.h" ]
    "include_dirs": "include",
    "targets": [
            "name": "tempsys",
            "is_header_only_library" : true

Example Build Master json file (Taken from SKVMOIP)

    "project_name" : "SKVMOIP",
    "canonical_name" : "skvmoip",
    "description" : "Scalable KVM Over IP",
    "dependencies" : [ "common", "playvk", "bufferlib" ],
    "vars" :
        "cuda_path" : "run_command(find_program('python'), '-c', 'import os; print(os.environ[\"CUDA_PATH\"])', check : false).stdout().strip()",
        "cuda_includes" : "cuda_path + '/include'",
        "cuda_libs_path" : "cuda_path + '/lib/x64'",
        "vulkan_sdk_path" : "run_command(find_program('python'), '-c', 'import os; print(os.environ[\"VK_SDK_PATH\"])', check : false).stdout().strip()",
        "vulkan_libs_path" : "vulkan_sdk_path + '/Lib/'",
        "gtk3_cflags" : "run_command('pkg-config', 'gtk+-3.0', '--cflags', check : false).stdout().strip().split(' ')",
        "gtk3_libs" : "run_command('pkg-config', 'gtk+-3.0', '--libs', check : false).stdout().strip().split(' ')",
        "gui_sources" : [
        "server_target_sources" : [
        "client_target_sources" : [
    "defines" : [ 
    "release_defines": [ "-DSKVMOIP_RELEASE" ],
    "debug_defines": [ "-DSKVMOIP_DEBUG" ],
    "install_header_dirs" : [ "include/SKVMOIP" ],
    "include_dirs" : [ "include", "external-dependencies" ],
    "windows_link_args" : [
    "targets" :
            "name" : "server",
            "is_executable" : true,
            "windows_link_args" : [
                "link_dir: './external-dependencies/x264'", "-lx264"
            "defines" : ["-DBUILD_SERVER"],
            "sources": [ "$server_target_sources", "source/main.server.cpp" ]
            "name" : "client",
            "is_executable" : true,
            "dependencies" : ["gtk+-3.0", "vulkanheaders"],
            "include_dirs" : [
            "windows_link_args" : [
                "link_dir: $cuda_libs_path", "-l:cuda.lib",
                "link_dir: './external-dependencies/NvidiaCodec/'", "-l:nvcuvid.lib",
                "link_dir: $vulkan_libs_path", "-lvulkan-1"                
            "defines" : ["-DBUILD_CLIENT"],
            "sources" : [ "$client_target_sources", "$gui_sources", "source/main.client.cpp" ]
        // The guitest target was just for experiment, it won't build!
            "name" : "guitest",
            "is_executable" : true,
            "defines" : ["-DBUILD_GUITEST"],
            "dependencies" : ["gtk+-3.0"],
            "sources" : [
        // The main target was just for experiment, it won't build!
            "name" : "main",
            "is_executable" : true,
            "defines" : ["-DBUILD_TEST", "-DBUILD_CLIENT"],
            "dependencies" : ["gtk+-3.0", "vulkanheaders"],
            "include_dirs" : [
            "windows_link_args" : [
                "link_dir: './external-dependencies/x264'", "-lx264",
                "link_dir: './external-dependencies/NvidiaCodec/'", "-l:nvcuvid.lib",
                "link_dir: $cuda_libs_path", "-l:cuda.lib",
                "link_dir: $vulkan_libs_path", "-lvulkan-1"                
            "sources" : [
    "sources" : [

Optional variables

Variable Type Description
is_install bool It must be used in the "target" context, by default its value is "false" for executable target and "true" for library target
description string It must be used inside the root (at the same level as "project_name"), or inside a "target" context, by default its value is "Description is not provided" and if it is not provided for a target then its value (for the target) is inherited from the project's description.
sources list of string(s) it is optional for targets
defines, use_defines, debug_defines, release_defines, build_defines list of string(s) All are optional
install_header_dirs list of strings(s) It is optional if you do not intend to install any libraries
install_headers list of json values containing files list of strings and optional subdir It is optional if you do not intend to install any specific header files
windows_link_args list of string(s) It is optional, but useful for specifying window specific libraries
linux_link_args list of string(s) It is optioanl, but useful for specifying linux specific libraries
darwin_link_args list of string(s) It is optional, but useful for specifying darwin (macOS) sepcific libraries
dependencies list of string(s) It is optional, it can be used in project scope or in target context both, if used in target context then the specified dependencies will only be applicable to that target only
include_dirs list of string(s) It is optional in the context of target, When specified in a target context then these include directories are only used for that target and won't affect other targets
sub_dirs list of string(s) It is optional, and can only be used in header only library target context. It specifies the list of sub-directories containing header file which needs to be exported via pkg-config package file.


The following boolean config vars can only be specified in target context in build_master.json, And only one of them can exist in a target. That means all of them are mutually exclusive.

Target Type Description
is_static_library If set true, then the target builds as static library
is_shared_library If set true, then the target builds as shared library
is_header_only_library If set true, then the target builds as header only library, that means no binaries, just header file installations
is_executable If set true, then the target builds as executable

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BuildMaster is a wrapper around meson to make C/C++ project configuration convenient, faster, and remove boiler plate code




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