OS | Build Status |
Linux | |
Linux | |
Windows | |
Windows | |
FreeBSD | TODO |
MacOS | TODO |
Build Master is a wrapper around meson to make C/C++ project configuration convenient, and faster with a minimalistic json configuration file.
It can do the same thing in just 70 lines of json that the bare meson does in 240 lines of meson.build!
I started this project to integrate frequently occuring Build Configurations, Packaging Workflow, and Generating CI Workflows for GitLab and GitHub across all my projects into just one system called Build Master
. In fact, the goal of this project is to make it so good that any type of C/C++ software can be Built, Tested, Packaged and Deployed in just a few commands.
Build Master uses a fork of the original meson project
Link to the fork: /~https://github.com/ravi688/meson.git
- Only for C and C++ based projects
- Multiple Targets
- Simple and Minimalistic Json based build script (
) - Tested with projects with upto 5 to 7 dependencies (with diamond dependencies) and multiple targets can be built easily
- Single command packaging and bundling for popular package managers (apt, dpkg, pacman, rpm), and window installers (.msi and .exe)
- Github/Gitlab workflow generation for Building the project in different environments on different platforms each
- Distributed project building for large number of source files to compile, C++ takes more time to compile so this feature is particularly beneficial for C++ projects
Get the source code
$ git clone /~https://github.com/ravi688/BuildMaster.git
For Msys2 (windows)
$ ./install_meson.sh
For Linux
$ sudo ./install_meson.sh
Setup build configuration
$ meson setup build --buildtype=release
Now compile and install
$ meson install -C build
If you get certificate verify errors then execute the following commands in msys2 (mingw64)
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-ca-certificates
$ update-ca-trust
If you're in linux then execute the following commands
$ sudo apt-get install ca-certifactes
$ update-ca-trust
$ build_master init --name "BufferLib" --canonical_name "bufferlib"
The above commanad would create a file build_master.json
containing default project configuration and meson.build
for meson build system.
You may also pass --directory=<path to a directory>
into the above init
command to specify where to put the build_master.json
By default init
command would create main.c
file in source
directory, if you want C++ file then pass --create-cpp
$ build_master meson setup build --buildtype=release
The above command would invoke meson setup build --buildtype=release
which will create a build
directory and configure the project build config as release
$ build_master meson compile -C build
The above command would compile the project
$ build_master --update-meson-build
The above command checks if the current meson.build
file is out of date and then regenerates overwriting the existing one.
$ build_master --update-meson-build --force
The above command does forcibly regenerates the existing meson.build
even if it is upto date with build_master.json
$ build_master --version
The above command prints version and build mode information on stdout.
- If
already exists then runningbuild_master init --name "BufferLib"
would produce an error/warning, to overwrite the existing file pass--force
flag - If
directory already exists then runningbuild_master init <args>
would skip creating the directory and amain.c
file. You'd have to remove the existing directory to automatically createsource/main.cpp
, OR you may also manually create.
If build_master.json
is modified then running build_master
command would regenerate the meson.build
file overwritting the existing one
build_master.json also allows C++ style single line comments
// This project name could be anything (it is not used as filename for any of the build artifacts)
"project_name" : "BufferLib",
// This is similar to the project name but it is used for file names, so it must form a valid file name
"canonical_name" : "bufferlib",
"description" : "A memory buffer library",
// Dependencies of this project (for all of its targets)
"dependencies" : [ "calltrace", "meshgen" ],
"defines" : [ "-DUSE_VULKAN_DRIVER" ],
"release_defines": [ "-DBUF_RELEASE" ],
"debug_defines": [ "-DBUF_DEBUG" ],
// All of the subdirectories inside include will be installed into the environment's include directory
// Typically you use should structure your project to have 'include/bufferlib' subdir.
"install_header_dirs" : [ "include/bufferlib" ],
// Header inclusion directory common to all targets
"include_dirs" : [ "include" ],
// Extra linker arguments when compiling on Windows platform
// It will be passed for each targets
"windows_link_args" : [ "-lws2 " ],
"targets" :
"name" : "bufferlib_static",
"is_static_library" : true,
"description" : "Static Library for BufferLib",
// These defines will be enabled when building bufferlib_static target
"build_defines" : [ "-DBUF_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY" ],
// These defines will be added as extra_cflags in pkg-config files
"use_defines" : [ "-DBUF_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY" ]
"name" : "bufferlib_shared",
"is_shared_library" : true,
// These defines will be enabled when building bufferlib_shared target
"build_defines" : [ "-DBUF_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY" ],
// These defines will be added as extra_cflags in pkg-config files
"use_defines" : [ "-DBUF_USE_SHARED_LIBRARY" ]
"name" : "client",
"is_executable" : true,
"defines" : [ "-DCLIENT_BUILD" ],
// These source files are specific (in addition) to client target
"sources" : [ "source/main.client.c" ],
// Extra linker arguments specific for this target
"windows_link_args" : [ "-lgdi" ]
"name" : "server",
"is_executable" : true,
"defines" : [ "-DSERVER_BUILD" ],
// These source files are specific (in addition) to server target
"sources" : [ "source/main.server.c" ]
"name" : "main",
"is_executable" : true,
"is_install" : true,
// These source files are specific (in addition) to main target
"sources" : [ "source/main.c" ]
"name" : "main_test",
"is_executable" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "catch2-with-main" ],
"is_install" : false,
"sources" : [ "source/main_test.c" ]
// These source files will be compiled in each target as common source files
"sources" :
Example Build Master json file (Taken from TempSys)
"project_name": "TemplateSystem",
"canonical_name": "tempsys",
"description" : "Macro based Templates in C",
"install_headers" : [
"files" : [ "include/template_system.h" ]
"include_dirs": "include",
"targets": [
"name": "tempsys",
"is_header_only_library" : true
Example Build Master json file (Taken from SKVMOIP)
"project_name" : "SKVMOIP",
"canonical_name" : "skvmoip",
"description" : "Scalable KVM Over IP",
"dependencies" : [ "common", "playvk", "bufferlib" ],
"vars" :
"cuda_path" : "run_command(find_program('python'), '-c', 'import os; print(os.environ[\"CUDA_PATH\"])', check : false).stdout().strip()",
"cuda_includes" : "cuda_path + '/include'",
"cuda_libs_path" : "cuda_path + '/lib/x64'",
"vulkan_sdk_path" : "run_command(find_program('python'), '-c', 'import os; print(os.environ[\"VK_SDK_PATH\"])', check : false).stdout().strip()",
"vulkan_libs_path" : "vulkan_sdk_path + '/Lib/'",
"gtk3_cflags" : "run_command('pkg-config', 'gtk+-3.0', '--cflags', check : false).stdout().strip().split(' ')",
"gtk3_libs" : "run_command('pkg-config', 'gtk+-3.0', '--libs', check : false).stdout().strip().split(' ')",
"gui_sources" : [
"server_target_sources" : [
"client_target_sources" : [
"defines" : [
"release_defines": [ "-DSKVMOIP_RELEASE" ],
"debug_defines": [ "-DSKVMOIP_DEBUG" ],
"install_header_dirs" : [ "include/SKVMOIP" ],
"include_dirs" : [ "include", "external-dependencies" ],
"windows_link_args" : [
"targets" :
"name" : "server",
"is_executable" : true,
"windows_link_args" : [
"link_dir: './external-dependencies/x264'", "-lx264"
"defines" : ["-DBUILD_SERVER"],
"sources": [ "$server_target_sources", "source/main.server.cpp" ]
"name" : "client",
"is_executable" : true,
"dependencies" : ["gtk+-3.0", "vulkanheaders"],
"include_dirs" : [
"windows_link_args" : [
"link_dir: $cuda_libs_path", "-l:cuda.lib",
"link_dir: './external-dependencies/NvidiaCodec/'", "-l:nvcuvid.lib",
"link_dir: $vulkan_libs_path", "-lvulkan-1"
"defines" : ["-DBUILD_CLIENT"],
"sources" : [ "$client_target_sources", "$gui_sources", "source/main.client.cpp" ]
// The guitest target was just for experiment, it won't build!
"name" : "guitest",
"is_executable" : true,
"defines" : ["-DBUILD_GUITEST"],
"dependencies" : ["gtk+-3.0"],
"sources" : [
// The main target was just for experiment, it won't build!
"name" : "main",
"is_executable" : true,
"defines" : ["-DBUILD_TEST", "-DBUILD_CLIENT"],
"dependencies" : ["gtk+-3.0", "vulkanheaders"],
"include_dirs" : [
"windows_link_args" : [
"link_dir: './external-dependencies/x264'", "-lx264",
"link_dir: './external-dependencies/NvidiaCodec/'", "-l:nvcuvid.lib",
"link_dir: $cuda_libs_path", "-l:cuda.lib",
"link_dir: $vulkan_libs_path", "-lvulkan-1"
"sources" : [
"sources" : [
Variable | Type | Description |
is_install |
bool | It must be used in the "target" context, by default its value is "false" for executable target and "true" for library target |
description |
string | It must be used inside the root (at the same level as "project_name" ), or inside a "target" context, by default its value is "Description is not provided" and if it is not provided for a target then its value (for the target) is inherited from the project's description. |
sources |
list of string(s) | it is optional for targets |
defines , use_defines , debug_defines , release_defines , build_defines |
list of string(s) | All are optional |
install_header_dirs |
list of strings(s) | It is optional if you do not intend to install any libraries |
install_headers |
list of json values containing files list of strings and optional subdir |
It is optional if you do not intend to install any specific header files |
windows_link_args |
list of string(s) | It is optional, but useful for specifying window specific libraries |
linux_link_args |
list of string(s) | It is optioanl, but useful for specifying linux specific libraries |
darwin_link_args |
list of string(s) | It is optional, but useful for specifying darwin (macOS) sepcific libraries |
dependencies |
list of string(s) | It is optional, it can be used in project scope or in target context both, if used in target context then the specified dependencies will only be applicable to that target only |
include_dirs |
list of string(s) | It is optional in the context of target, When specified in a target context then these include directories are only used for that target and won't affect other targets |
sub_dirs |
list of string(s) | It is optional, and can only be used in header only library target context. It specifies the list of sub-directories containing header file which needs to be exported via pkg-config package file. |
The following boolean config vars can only be specified in target
context in build_master.json
, And only one of them can exist in a target. That means all of them are mutually exclusive.
Target Type | Description |
is_static_library |
If set true , then the target builds as static library |
is_shared_library |
If set true , then the target builds as shared library |
is_header_only_library |
If set true , then the target builds as header only library, that means no binaries, just header file installations |
is_executable |
If set true , then the target builds as executable |