Ensure vertical shell thickness applied in areas where it really doesn't need to be #10202
With 2.6 alpha 4 i couldn´t be more happy, but suddenly came alpha 5 with changes i didn´t expect because 9 bad comments on Ensure vertical shell thickness, for me it was perfect as it was, and now i have things that i can´t tweak because decided to eliminate Ensure vertical shell thickness switch....
What you show in the picture is cool but now PS wants to do that everywhere, i think it is not usefull for everything, for some things it will be usefull and for others not.
I can´t show where it is not usefull but i think as you did with "arachne" it would be nice that you give to us the posibility to choose if use concentric fill or not for ensure vertical shell thickness or in other places.
For now, going back to alpha 4 i can make it but... i can´t go back to 2.5, 2.6 will have a lot of cool stuff and i can´t stay forever in alpha 4...
I was specting more a good work on travel path planning than improve ensure vertical shell thickness... i think that if something works well for mayority... why touching it...