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Template project structure for Oreum Industries work, primarily for client projects.


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Oreum Template Project oreum_template

Template project structure for R&D work primarily for client projects, based on the widely used concept of cookiecutter-data-science.

Hugely updated over the years, now up to date with Oreum Industries' current preferred best practices, packages, installations, structures etc.

To re-use: replace string oreum_template with your project_name.

Python CI code style: ruff code style: interrogate code security: bandit


  1. Project Description, Scope, Directory Structure
  2. How to Install and Run on a Local Developer Machine
  3. Code Standards
  4. Notebook Standards
  5. Data Standards
  6. General Notes

1. Project Description, Technical Overview, Directory Structure

1.1 Project Description & Scope

This is an initial implementation of an internal project by Oreum Industries - an implementation of copula-based Expected Loss Cost forecasting.

This project is:

  • A work in progress (v0.y.z) and liable to breaking changes and inconveniences to the user
  • Solely designed for ease of use and rapid development by employees of Oreum Industries, and selected clients with guidance

This project is not:

  • Intended for public usage and will not be supported for public usage
  • Intended for contributions by anyone not an employee of Oreum Industries, and unsolicited contributions will not be accepted

1.2 Technical Overview

  • Project began on 2022-01-01
  • The is MacOS and POSIX oriented
  • See for licensing and copyright details
  • See pyproject.toml for authors, package dependencies etc
  • For code repository access see GitHub
  • Implementation:
    • This project is enabled by a modern, open-source, advanced software stack for data curation, statistical analysis and predictive modelling
    • This project is end-to-end, fully reproducible data science solutions: via notebooks, scripts, CLI & API, automated environment & package management, continuous integration, version control and rich documentation
    • Specifically we use an open-source Python-based suite of software packages, the core of which is often known as the Scientific Python stack, supported by NumFOCUS
    • Once installed (see section 2), see for full details of all package licences
  • Environments: this project was originally developed on a Macbook Air M2 (Apple Silicon ARM64) running MacOS 14.7 (Sonoma) using osx-arm64 Accelerate

1.3 Project File Structure

The repo is structured for R&D usage. The major items to be aware of are:

↳ dotfiles         - various dotfiles to configure the repo
↳ Makefile         - recipes to build the dev env
↳        - this readme file
↳       - licensing and copyright details
↳ assets/          - non-code based images and external pdfs
↳ data/            - placeholder for data files (to be managed via Git LFS)
↳ notebooks/       - Jupyter Notebooks
↳ plots/           - output plots saved as images
↳ sql/             - SQL files
↳ src/             - Python modules
  ↳ config/          - configs if used
  ↳ dataprep/        - data transforms / feature engineering pre-model
  ↳ engine/          - classes to operate models
  ↳ model/           - classes define statistical models

2. How to Install and Run on a Local Developer Machine

For local development on MacOS.

2.0 Pre-requisite installs via homebrew

  1. Install Homebrew, see instructions at
  2. Install direnv, git, git-lfs, graphviz, zsh
$> brew update && brew upgrade
$> brew install direnv git git-lfs graphviz zsh

2.1 Git clone the repo

Assumes direnv, git, git-lfs, graphviz and zsh installed as above

$> git clone /~
$> cd oreum_template

Then allow direnv on MacOS to automatically run file .envrc upon directory open

2.2 Create virtual environment and install dev packages


  • We use conda virtual envs controlled by mamba (quicker than conda)
  • We install packages using miniforge (sourced from the conda-forge repo) wherever possible and only use pip for packages that are handled better by pip and/or more up-to-date on pypi
  • Packages might not be the very latest because we want stability for pymc which is usually in a state of development flux
  • See cheat sheet of conda commands
  • The Makefile creates a dev env and will also download and preinstall miniforge if not yet installed on your system

2.2.1 Create the dev environment

From the dir above oreum_template/ project dir:

$> make -C oreum_template dev

This will also create some files to help confirm / diagnose successful installation:

  • dev/install_log/blas_info.txt for the BLAS MKL installation for numpy
  • dev/install_log/pipdeptree[_rev].txt lists installed package deps (and reversed)
  • details the license for each package used

2.2.2 (Optional best practice) Test successful installation of dev environment

$> make test-dev-env

This will also add files dev/install_log/[tests_numpy|test_scipy].txt which detail successful installation (or not) for numpy, scipy

2.2.3 To install additional deps from the pyproject file:

NOTE the quotes required by zsh

$> pip install ".[plots]"

2.2.4 To remove the dev environment (Useful during env install experimentation):

From the dir above oreum_template/ project dir:

$> make -C oreum_template uninstall-env

2.3 Code Linting & Repo Control

2.3.1 Pre-commit

We use pre-commit to run a suite of automated tests for code linting & quality control and repo control prior to commit on local development machines.

  • This is installed as part of make dev which you already ran.
  • See .pre-commit-config.yaml for details

2.3.2 Github Actions

We use Github Actions aka Workflows to run a suite of automated tests for commits received at the origin (i.e. GitHub)

  • See .github/workflows/* for details

2.3.3 Git LFS

We use Git LFS to store any large files alongside the repo. This can be useful to replicate exact environments during development and/or for automated tests

  • This requires a local machine install (see Getting Started)
  • See .gitattributes for details

2.4 Configs for Local Development

Some notes to help configure local development environment

2.4.1 Git config ~/.gitconfig

    name = <YOUR NAME>
    email = <YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS>

2.5 Install VSCode IDE

We strongly recommend using VSCode for all development on local machines, and this is a hard pre-requisite to use the .devcontainer environment (see section 3)

This repo includes relevant lightweight project control and config in:


3. Code Standards

Even when writing R&D code, we strive to meet and exceed (even define) best practices for code quality, documentation and reproducibility for modern data science projects.

3.1 Code Linting & Repo Control

We use a suite of automated tools to check and enforce code quality. We indicate the relevant shields at the top of this README. See section 1.4 above for how this is enforced at precommit on developer machines and upon PR at the origin as part of our CI process, prior to master branch merge.

These include:

  • ruff - extremely fast standardised linting and formatting, which replaces black, flake8, isort
  • interrogate - ensure complete Python docstrings
  • bandit - test for common Python security issues

We also run a suite of general tests pre-packaged in precommit.

3.2 Package-like structure

Where suitable, we break out commonly used functions and classes to module files under the src/ directory - this gives clear, convenient and easier code control than when it's embedded inside notebooks. Note for clarity, that we don't compile this code or release separately to the project.

4. Notebook Standards

General best practices for naming / ordering / structure.

4.1 General Principles

Every Notebook is:

  • Fully executable end-to-end, with linear non-cyclic flow
  • Living documentation with extensive text and plot-based explanation
  • Named starting with a 3-digit reference with group-based ordering to indicate logical flow and dependencies, e.g:
    • 000 series: Overview, discussion, presentational documents
    • 100 series: Data Curation
    • 200 series: Exploratory Data Analysis
    • 300 series: Model Architecture and Data Transformations
    • 400 series: Model Design, Development, Evaluation and Inference
    • 500 series: Model Finalisation for Production Use
    • 600, 700, 800 series: used for specific extensions if needed
    • 900 series: Demos, Notes, Worked Explanations.

4.2. Live Notebooks

Live Notebooks are:

  • Present in the /notebooks directory
  • Part of the final R&D project flow, and required in order to reproduce the eventual findings & observations
  • Guaranteed to be up to date with the latest code in src/.

4.3 Rendered Notebooks

Rendered Notebooks are:

  • Present as rendered PDFs or reveal.js Slides in notebooks/renders/
  • Created somewhat as-needed for offline print-based discussion with stakeholders.

We use nbconvert to render to PDF or reveal.js HTML slides using configs. From inside the notebooks/ dir, run:

$> jupyter nbconvert --config renders/
$> jupyter nbconvert --config renders/

4.4 Archived Notebooks

Archived Notebooks are:

  • Present in notebooks/archive/
  • No longer required, but kept around for historical audit, discussion, code examples
  • May have fallen behind the latest local code and/or methods.

5. Data Standards

See data/

IMPORTANT NOTE on terminology / naming convention and dataset partitioning based on the information present and dataset usage.

Dataset terminology / partitioning / purpose:

|<---------- Relevant domain of all data for our analyses & models ---------->|
|<----- "Observed" historical target ------>||<- "Unobserved" future target ->|
|<----------- "Working" dataset ----------->||<----- "Forecast" dataset ----->|
|<- Training/CrossVal ->||<- Test/Holdout ->|
  • The "Observed" historical target dataset has:

    • a known exogenous (target) feature value

    • known endogenous feature values to allow model regression

    • a hypothetical structure that we use to design the model

    • The "Working" dataset is the same as this "Observed" data, and may be split into:

      • A Training/CrossVal set used to fit the model. This may be partitioned into multiple Cross-Validation sets if required by the model architecture and fitting process
      • A Test/Holdout used to evaluate the model fit against a known target
      • We can use this Working set in full when fitting the final model for Production, because this yields the most performant model
  • The "Unobserved" future target dataset has:

    • an unknown exogenous (target) feature value

    • known endogenous feature values to allow model regression

    • a hypothetical structure that we use to design the model

    • The "Forecast" dataset is the same as this "Unobserved" data, and is generally what we will try to predict upon in Production

      • We might create predictions for individual datapoints or in bulk
      • If the entities in the data evolve over time (e.g. a set of policies each with evolving premium payments and claim developments), and if the endogenous features don't evolve with time (they are static not dynamic) then we can artificially create a Forecast dataset by extending the Working dataset forward in time.

Further note:

  • We may refer to "In-Sample" and "Out-of-Sample" datasets. The former is the data used to train the model and the latter to evaluate the model against a known exogenous (target) value or forecast an unknown exogenous (target) value. So they can be used during Working or Forecasting.

  • Strictly speaking, our Bayesian modeling workflow does not require us to evaluate the model on a Test/Holdout set because we can use in-sample Pareto-smoothed Leave-One-Out (LOO-PIT) cross-validation testing. This is more powerful, and lets us fit & evaluate the model using the full Working set.

  • However, purely to aid reader comprehension and demonstrate the out-of-sample prediction workflow, we may use the practice of a known Test/Holdout set.

6. General Notes

We aim to make this project usable by all (developer, statistician, biz):

  • Logical structuring of code files with modularization and reusability
  • Small purposeful classes with abstracted object inheritance, and terse single-purpose functions
  • Variable and data parameterization throughout and use of config files to inject globals
  • Informative naming for classes / functions / variables / data, and human-readable, well-linted code
  • Specific and general error handling
  • Logging with rotation / archival
  • Detailed docstrings and type-hinting
  • Inline comments to explain complicated code / concepts to developers
  • Adherence to a consistent style guide and syntax, and use of linters
  • Well-organized Notebooks with logical ordering and “run-all” internal flow, and plenty of explanatory text and commentary to guide the reader
  • Use of virtual environments and/or containers
  • Build scripts for continuous integration and deployment
  • Unit tests and automated test scripts
  • Documentation to allow full reproducibility and maintenance
  • Commits have meaningful messages and small, iterative, manageable diffs to allow code review
  • Adherence to conventional branching structures, management of stale branches
  • Merges into master managed via pull requests (PRs) comprised of specific commits, and the PR linked to specific issue tickets
  • PRs setup to trigger manual code reviews and automated hooks to code formatting, unit testing, continuous integration (inc. automated integration and regression testing) and continuous deployment
  • New releases managed with tagging, fixed binaries, changelogs

Copyright 2022 Oreum OÜ t/a Oreum Industries. All rights reserved. See

Oreum OÜ t/a Oreum Industries, Sepapaja 6, Tallinn, 15551, Estonia, reg.16122291,

Oreum OÜ © 2022