Academic project by an 11-member team developing a project management system for a fictional company with 2000+ employees.
• Web application built with ASP.NET Core MVC with Entity Framework Core, SQL Server, Docker, and Bootstrap • For managing employees, projects, work packages within projects, timesheets, and report generation
change the default connection in COMP4911Timesheets/appsettings.json
"DefaultConnection": "CONNECTION_STRING"
"DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=4911;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" Edmund is using "Server=tcp:,1433;Database=Erupt;UID=sa;PWD=Password123;"
Code Conventions Database Setup
- Create an mssql database which can be accessed by the intended host
- install docker on the users host
Stage 1: checkout
- checkout source from /~
- CD into comp4911timesheets folder
Stage 2: configure environment files
- Replace CONNECTION_STRING in /COMP4911Timesheets/appsettings.json with a valid connection string. NOTE: as this is a docker depoyment, localhost, and will not function the way you may expect. use the IP address of the docker host
- (optional) In build.yml, Customize the container name from eruptTEST to something more appropriate to your configuration
- (optional) In build.yml Customize the outgoing port from 5000 to another port.
Stage 3: build container
- from the outermost project folder, which contains build.yml, run the console command
docker-compose -f build.yml up --build
(optional) in production, rundocker-compose -f build.yml up --build -d
. the -d flag detaches your console from the container - Point your browser to localhost:{the-port-you-chose)
- Sign in with Username: Password: Password123!