Docker image using custom-built FFmpeg for deploying an instance of Comfy Channel to stream to any RTMP stream intake service such as Twitch.
This Docker image can be used to create an instance of Comfy Channel. It is based on jrottenberg/ffmpeg, and installs Python and gets the latest version of Comfy Channel.
The main purpose is to allow streaming from Comfy Channel to a self-hosted server.
GitHub repo: /~
Docker Hub image:
The fastest way to get set up is to run a container with this image. Specify your stream intake URL as SERVER_IP
docker run --name comfy-channel -e "SERVER_IP=localhost" -e "STREAM_LOCATION=/live/stream" mvarhola/comfy-channel
To start an Nginx webserver for serving the stream, along with Comfy Channel, run the following docker-compose command
docker-compose up