Wireframe is a suite of free object-oriented components for creating modular WordPress themes & plugins. You extend Wireframe to deliver professional client projects or for selling premium marketplace products to the world.
Components | Themes | Plugins | Objects
Wireframe suite consists of 3 major components: Themes, Plugins and Modules. These components are crafted to work seamlessly together and helps your productivity so you build better products.
Need help getting started? Head on over to the Quickstart guide.
Themes | Plugins | Objects | Top
Welcome Theme Developers! There's one thing that all WordPress sites have in common: you need a theme to display a WordPress site. Wirerame helps you work better with a boilerplate starter theme you can use as a framework, or you can also scale the fully-functional child theme for streamlining theme production.
- Wireframe Theme - An OOP boilerplate theme for using as a framework, parent theme, client project or premium marketplace product.
- Wireframe Child - The boilerplate child theme for products built with Wireframe Theme.
Components | Plugins | Objects | Top
Ah, so you wanna develop WordPress plugins? Awesome! We love Plugin Developers because with your creativity, the sky's the limit--and plugins always add more value to any WordPress site. Wireframe provides you with an OOP plugin boilerplate to help speed up development and lower your production costs.
- Wireframe Plugin - An OOP boilerplate plugin for building quality products.
Components | Themes | Objects | Top
Wireframe objects consist of modular class files which help you rapidly develop your WordPress products while also adhering to OOP best practices, WordPress Coding Standards and GPL licensing. Wireframe makes it easy to keep your code DRY and helps de-couple dependencies. Many of Wireframe's objects can also be shared between themes and plugins!
- Core_Container - Class to hold your reusable objects in a nice array.
- Core_Enqueue - Class to register and enqueue your styles & scripts.
- Core_Language - Class to load your translation file.
- Core_Module_Abstract - Class to easily adding & extending your own modules.
- Core_Plugin - Base class for building your OOP plugins.
- Core_Theme - Base class for building your OOP themes.
- Module_Admin - Class for adding Admin screens & menus.
- Module_CPT - Class for adding custom post types.
- Module_Customizer - Class for integrating the Customizer.
- Module_DBTables - Class for handling database tables.
- Module_Editor - Class for extending the TinyMCE editor.
- Module_Features - Class for loading theme features.
- Module_Navigation - Class for extending walker nav menu.
- Module_Notices - Class for hooking notices.
- Module_Options - Class for adding options.
- Module_Settings - Class for adding settings.
- Module_Shortcode - Class for registering shortcodes.
- Module_Taxonomy - Class for registering taxonomies.
- Module_UI - Class for styles & scripts.
- Module_Walker_BS3 - Class for Bootstrap 3 walker.
- Module_Widgets - Class for registering widgets.
More coming soon!
Components | Themes | Plugins | Objects | Top