A helper tool for bronze certification in the context of MOSE competence
Install NodeJS 8.6 or higher.
# clone or download the source
git clone /~https://github.com/leochrisis/Spider-MoseAppraisel.git my-folder-name
# go to the folder
cd my-folder-name
# install dependencies
npm install
# your .env file setups things like database connection (default pg)
cp .env.example .env
# build the app
npm run migrate
npm run seed
npm run build
# start the server
npm start
Go to localhost:9000
to see the application running.
# clone or download the source
git clone /~https://github.com/leochrisis/Spider-MoseAppraisel.git my-folder-name
# go to the folder
cd my-folder-name
# install dependencies
npm install
# your .env file setups things like database connection (default pg)
cp .env.example .env
# build the app
npm run migrate
npm run seed
# start the server
npm run dev
- Projeto SPIDER official website (in portuguese): http://spider.ufpa.br/
- AdonisJS framework used in our back-end: https://adonisjs.com/
- Nuxt framework used in our front-end: https://nuxtjs.org/