* SIP ABNF Parser
* SIP Finite State Machines
* SIP B2B User Agent
* CommonJS Java Script Engine using Google V8
* SIP Over Websockets
* STUN server
* RTP Proxy
* CARP High Availability
* SIPCapture (HEP3)
* REST Persistence Store
* BSON/JSON Parser
* RAFT Consensus
* openssl-devel
* boost-devel
* poco-devel
Note: In Mac, you will need to create a softlink of the openssl include directory in /usr/local/include
You can use the spec file to install all dependencies
To list build dependencies
grep '^BuildRequires' oss_core/oss_core.spec.in | awk '{print $2}'
To list runtime dependencies
grep '^Requires' oss_core/oss_core.spec.in | awk '{print $2}'
To install build dependencies
sudo yum install -y grep '^BuildRequires' oss_core/oss_core.spec.in | awk '{print $2}'
apt-get -qq update apt-get install -y build-essential autoconf libtool apt-get install -y libpoco-dev libboost-all-dev libzmq3-dev libv8-dev libhiredis-dev libconfig++-dev libpcap-dev
apt-get install -y libleveldb-dev libmcrypt-dev libdb++-dev
Download the source code from /~https://github.com/joegen/oss_core and build it
git clone /~https://github.com/joegen/oss_core.git
cd oss_core
autoreconf -if
mkdir -p .build
cd .build
make && sudo make install
echo "%_topdir $HOME/rpmbuild" >> ~/.rpmmacros
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,SOURCES,RPMS,SRPMS,SPECS}
cd oss_core
autoreconf -if
mkdir -p .build
cd .build
../configure --enable-all-features --disable-dep-check
make dist
rpmbuild -ta oss_core-*tar.gz
cd oss_core
apt-get install -y debhelper pkg-config dh-autoreconf devscripts
debuild -uc -us