cool Arduino Temperature Probes (coolATP) drives Negative (& poitive) Temperature Coefficient (NTC) probes on all available analog inputs and makes resistor values in Ohm or the temperature in K, °C, or °F available.
For building the HEX file, the arduino Makefile is used. So clone or download / unzip this first to your system. Afterwards configure the Makefile to your arduino boards and type: make.
Wire your NTC probe with a matching (same resistor value as the probe) resistor in series. Wire from the mid (between your probe and your resistor) of this voltage divider to an ananlog input of your arduino. Wire the 5 V (not system's volatage - there are two 5 V voltage sources) and GND to the ends of your voltage divider.
However there are several public posts, blogs, and vlogs on internet showing a schematic wiring diagram.
See loop method in coolATP.cpp file as an example.
I use this project for driving several NTCs in a home brewery system and using ASSTP to transfer data via serial to a raspberry pi. The pi is driving CraftBeerPi3 by a written plugin, to integrate the temperature values: craftbeerpi3ArduinoTempProbes.
Everything was coded using:
- atom editor,
- arduino Makefile,
- Gnome windows manager,
- and debian GNU/Linux.
- updating copyright by year ..
- renamed project and reposiory,
- updated readme
- adding MIT License to all files.
- adding the for explanation,
- setting up reository on