ForDot: A Fortran library that overloads the dot_product
function to enable efficient dot product with/without coarray.
use fordot
a = dot_product(u,v,coarray,option,nblock)
is an optional logical variable. Set it to.true.
and use the-DUSE_COARRAY
flag to enable coarray. -
is an optional integer variable. -
is an optional character variable. Available options are'm1'
, and the default option is'm2'
. -
Note: Use the flag
to enable do concurrent. This implementation of do concurrent is currently only supported by the Intel Compiler (ifx).
- A Fortran Compiler
- BLAS Library
- Fortran Package Manager (fpm)
If you want to use ForDot
as a dependency in your own fpm project,
you can easily include it by adding the following line to your fpm.toml
fordot = {git="/~"}
Execute the following commands to run tests with specific compilers:
fpm @<compiler>-test
compiler: ifx, ifort, gfortran, nvfortran
For coarray testing use:
fpm @<compiler>-test-coarray
compiler: ifx, ifort
All compiler options are accessible in the fpm response file fpm.rsp
You can find benchmark results on ForBenchmark.
The most up-to-date API documentation for the master branch is available
To generate the API documentation for ForDot
ford run the following
ford ford.yml
Contributions to ForDot
are welcome!
If you find any issues or would like to suggest improvements, please open an issue.
If you use ForDot
in your work, please cite it using the following DOI:
author = {Ghasemi, Seyed Ali},
title = {gha3mi/fordot: v0.1.0},
month = jan,
year = 2024,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {v0.1.0},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10594971},
url = {}