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Game Desktop Files

frostworx edited this page Dec 5, 2021 · 4 revisions

steamtinkerlaunch creates/uses two different desktop files:

Game Launcher Desktop Files:

The Game Launcher (yad) takes a directory containing desktopfiles as argument and lists all of them. Those Desktop-Files are auto-generated Game Data using the (big) Game Pictures in the STLCFGDIR and therefore are of no use for generic usage.

real Desktop Files:

steamtinkerlaunch searches the game icon hashname (in Appinfo), extracts/converts the corresponding game icon and creates an internally (functional, but unused) desktop file in STLIDFD (~/.config/steamtinkerlaunch/games/desktopfiles/ as SteamAppID.desktop)

The desktop file can be creates as

  • internal, functional, but unused (see above) desktop file (0)
  • Desktop file (1)
  • Application Menu Item (2)
  • 1+2 at once (3)


  • setting CREATEDESKTOPICON in the Game Menu to the corresponding value

  • appending the corresponding value to the createdesktopicon|cdi Command Line option Example: steamtinkerlaunch cdi 780280 3 creates an internal desktop file, if not available and then creates a Desktop file and an Application Menu for "Summer Funland" (780280). If the Metadata Support for a game exists and has a valid GAMENAME the correct game title can be used instead of the SteamAppID as well.

    Alternatively all can be used instead of the SteamAppID, which will create the corresponding game icon and desktopfile for every SteamAppID found` with the mode provided as 2nd arg (not recommended as it is slow!)

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