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Composing NSAttributedString with SwiftUI-style syntax, powered by Result Builder.

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🐦 Open source library written in Swift 5.4
🍬 SwiftUI-like syntax
💪 Support most attributes in NSAttributedString.Key
📦 Distribution with Swift Package Manager
🧪 Fully tested code
🛠 Continuously integrates in Swift Source Compatibility Suite

How to use?

Traditionally we compose a NSAttributedString like this:

let mas = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "")
mas.append(NSAttributedString(string: "Hello world", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 24), .foregroundColor:]))
mas.append(NSAttributedString(string: "\n"))
mas.append(NSAttributedString(string: "with Swift", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20), .foregroundColor:]))

Now, with NSAttributedStringBuilder, we can use SwiftUI-like syntax to declare NSAttributedString:

let attributedString = NSAttributedString {
    AText("Hello world")
        .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 24))
    AText("with Swift")
        .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 20))


Xcode 12.5. This project uses Swift 5.4 feature Result Builder.


Swift Package

Open your project in Xcode 12, navigate to Menu -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter /~ to install.


Add pod 'NSAttributedStringBuilder13' to your Podfile.

SwiftUI Sample Project

Besides clearer NSAttributedString syntax, since NSAttributedStringBuilder uses Result Builder it also enables API to build components in UIViewRepresentable(which embeds UIView in a SwiftUI View).

Just like a SwiftUI Text takes a String as input, the purpose of AttributedText in the sample project is to take a NSAttributedString as input and render in SwiftUI.

To achieve this, AttributedText.swift uses @NSAttributedStringBuilder to support SwiftUI-style syntax:


Then using an AttributedText will be like: ContentView.swift

Open the sample in /SwiftUISampleApp/AttributedTextSample.xcodeproj and check AttributedText. It uses UITextView, you can also use UILabel or NSTextView.


  • Better tests for image attachment

Known Issue

  • NSAttributedString does not support link color, therefore Link component with a .color() modifier has no effect. Alternatively you need to specify in UITextView.linkTextAttributes or .tintColor.


Initially discussed on this Twitter thread. Some code are inspired by zonble🙏.