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  • Pingduoduo
  • Shanghai

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PhD student at NUS

NUS Singapore

Zhiqing Hong PeppaPiggeee

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

THUML @ Tsinghua University thuml
Machine Learning Group, School of Software, Tsinghua University
Minkyung blossominkyung
code neural networks with coffee
Yang Liu foamliu
Algorithm engineer


katon hellokaton
Simple and Sincere


Eric Junyuan Xie piiswrong
Software Engineer @ Bytedance

University of Washington Seattle

Samuel E Lau SamLau95
Assistant Teaching Prof @UCSD

La Jolla, CA

Long Chen longcw
Computer Vision

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Cao Ying lcy-seso
MSR Asia. Previously worked at Baidu IDL(Institution of Deep Learning) and contributed as a member of the Paddle team.

MSRA, system research group China

Andreas Mueller amueller
Scikit-learn core-developer, Principal Research SDE @microsoft

Microsoft Los Gatos

Weinan Zhang wnzhang
Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China

Jat jat001

Shenzhen, China

Jifeng Dai daijifeng001

Tsinghua University & PJLab

Haozhi Qi HaozhiQi
Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

Gul Varol gulvarol
Computer Vision Researcher

École des Ponts ParisTech

Marat Dukhan Maratyszcza

@openai Silicon Valley, CA

Yangqing Jia Yangqing
Startup. Former VP @alibaba. Ex-@facebook @google @BVLC. Created Caffe, @caffe2, @onnx. Co-led @pytorch 1.0. @tensorflow contributor. @ucberkeley alumni.

@leptonai Berkeley

余果 yuguo

Tencent Shenzhen, China

问崖 bubkoo
༼∵༽ ༼⍨༽ ༼⍢༽ ༼⍤༽

@antgroup Hangzhou, China

Yuheng SergioChan
Full-stack Researcher and Hacker, Hackathoner. Hosted the top level hackathon team @hACKbUSTER .

@t54-labs San Mateo, CA

Yorkie Makoto yorkie


minakokojima lychees
Yet another Xoogler ...

Google Shanghai

Mu Li mli

Boson AI Palo Alto, CA

Mislav Marohnić mislav

The Netherlands

Andrey Sitnik ai
The creator of Autoprefixer, @postcss, @browserslist, and @logux

@evilmartians Barcelona, Spain

Adam Roberts adarob

@google United States

Rainie Li RainyLi
Software Developer at Optiver(Shanghai)

Shanghai Jiao Tong University ShangHai

He Xiangnan hexiangnan
Professor with University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) China

Jared Roesch jroesch
CTO @ OctoML, PMC @ Apache TVM, PhD @ UW. Previously Rustc, Lean & F* hacker.

NVIDIA Seattle, Washington

司徒正美 RubyLouvre
穿梭于二进制与二次元的JS魔术师 China

狼叔 i5ting
focus on Node.js AI Agent。

bytedance,ex: alibaba china beijing

Zhouxuan Yang fool2fish

Alipay Hangzhou, China

FULI xtaci


Aige devaige
Once I thought technology could change the world, then I realized that the only person I could change was me.

Bill Finance Technology Co.,Ltd. Pampa de Vaca, Torata, Mariscal Nieto Moquegua 18100, Peru

Flood Sung floodsung
Focus on AGI, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Meta Learning, Robot Learning, Physics-based Animation

Wang Ziting jysperm
Node.js and Go developer, DevOps, Smart Contract developer

Ex @leancloud Chiang Mai

Zejun Wu watashi

Zhejing University Hangzhou, China

Andy Zhang cmzy
Author of DroidPlugin

Open to Opportunities Beijing of China

Jack Chang simaQ
Data & Visualization student.

Hangzhou, China

Yuko Zheng yukozh
Founder of GIT.NET:
