FFTLog-f90 is the Fortran 90 version of FFTLog, a Fortran 77 code by Andrew Hamilton to compute the Fourier-Bessel, or Hankel, transform of a series of logarithmically spaced points.
The main reference for the algorithm is Andrew Hamilton's webpage. He first introduced FFTLog in a paper on the nonlinearities in the cosmological structures.
The Fourier-Bessel, or Hankel, transform F(r) of a function f(k) is defined as in eq. 159 of Hamilton's paper:
F(r) = | dk * k * J_mu(k*r) * f(k)
where J_mu(k*r)
is the Bessel function of order mu.
IMPORTANT: Currently, FFTLog-f90 only supports the sine transform (mu=0.5) and returns the following integral:
1 / sin(k*r)
F(r) = ---------- | dk * k^2 * --------- * f(k) .
(2*pi)^2 / k*r
If f(k) = P(k) is the power spectrum of a homogeneous 3D random field, then the integral will yield the two-point correlation function xi(r), as in eq. 3.104 of my PhD Thesis.
Do the following to produce your first result with FFTLog-f90:
Customise the Makefile to use your preferred Fortran compiler.
make fftlog-f90
. -
./fftlog-f90 pk.dat xi.dat
. This will compute the Fourier transform of the function tabulated inpk.dat
and store the result inxi.dat
You can then compare with the expected result in xi_ref.dat
by plotting them in Gnuplot, with set log; plot [0.01:1e4] "xi.dat" u 1:(abs($2)) w li, "xi_ref.dat" u 1:(abs($2)) w li
The pk.dat
file contains the power spectrum P(k) of the matter distribution in our Universe. It is estimated using the CLASS code for a standard LCDM cosmological model. Its Fourier transform in xi.dat
is the correlation function xi(r), computed using eq. 3.104 of my PhD thesis. The range of r in xi.dat
is [1/k_max, 1/k_min]. The results at the edges should not be trusted; see the documentation of FFTLog for further details. The feature at r~120 Mpc is called the baryon acoustic peak; you can zoom in it with unset log; plot [80:180] "xi.dat" u 1:2 w li
FFTLog-f90 supports spline integration of the input and output files using the syntax
./fftlog-f90 in.dat out.dat N_POINTS
where N_POINTS
is the number of points you want in the output file. For example, with
./fftlog-f90 pk.dat xi_splined.dat 2000
the peak is much smoother:
unset log; plot [80:180] "xi_splined.dat" u 1:2 w li
Please refer to the documentation in fftlog_driver.f90
for the full description of the features and arguments of FFTLog-f90.
Please feel free to improve FFTLog-f90. You can do so via the Github project page: /~https://github.com/coccoinomane/fftlog-f90. Fork the repository, make your modifications and send a pull request.