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Extended Fortran 90 version of the FFTLog code by Andrew Hamilton to convolve a tabulated function with a Bessel functions


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FFTLog-f90 is the Fortran 90 version of FFTLog, a Fortran 77 code by Andrew Hamilton to compute the Fourier-Bessel, or Hankel, transform of a series of logarithmically spaced points.

The main reference for the algorithm is Andrew Hamilton's webpage. He first introduced FFTLog in a paper on the nonlinearities in the cosmological structures.

The Fourier-Bessel, or Hankel, transform F(r) of a function f(k) is defined as in eq. 159 of Hamilton's paper:

F(r) =  | dk * k * J_mu(k*r) * f(k)

where J_mu(k*r) is the Bessel function of order mu.

IMPORTANT: Currently, FFTLog-f90 only supports the sine transform (mu=0.5) and returns the following integral:

           1       /             sin(k*r)
F(r) = ----------  | dk * k^2 * --------- * f(k) .
        (2*pi)^2   /               k*r

If f(k) = P(k) is the power spectrum of a homogeneous 3D random field, then the integral will yield the two-point correlation function xi(r), as in eq. 3.104 of my PhD Thesis.


Do the following to produce your first result with FFTLog-f90:

  1. Customise the Makefile to use your preferred Fortran compiler.

  2. Run make fftlog-f90.

  3. Execute ./fftlog-f90 pk.dat xi.dat. This will compute the Fourier transform of the function tabulated in pk.dat and store the result in xi.dat.

You can then compare with the expected result in xi_ref.dat by plotting them in Gnuplot, with set log; plot [0.01:1e4] "xi.dat" u 1:(abs($2)) w li, "xi_ref.dat" u 1:(abs($2)) w li.

The pk.dat file contains the power spectrum P(k) of the matter distribution in our Universe. It is estimated using the CLASS code for a standard LCDM cosmological model. Its Fourier transform in xi.dat is the correlation function xi(r), computed using eq. 3.104 of my PhD thesis. The range of r in xi.dat is [1/k_max, 1/k_min]. The results at the edges should not be trusted; see the documentation of FFTLog for further details. The feature at r~120 Mpc is called the baryon acoustic peak; you can zoom in it with unset log; plot [80:180] "xi.dat" u 1:2 w li.

FFTLog-f90 supports spline integration of the input and output files using the syntax

./fftlog-f90 in.dat out.dat N_POINTS

where N_POINTS is the number of points you want in the output file. For example, with

./fftlog-f90 pk.dat xi_splined.dat 2000

the peak is much smoother:

unset log; plot [80:180] "xi_splined.dat" u 1:2 w li

Please refer to the documentation in fftlog_driver.f90 for the full description of the features and arguments of FFTLog-f90.


Please feel free to improve FFTLog-f90. You can do so via the Github project page: /~ Fork the repository, make your modifications and send a pull request.


Extended Fortran 90 version of the FFTLog code by Andrew Hamilton to convolve a tabulated function with a Bessel functions







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