Try any android library hosted online directly from the command line
gem install dryrun
dryrun /~
Wait a few seconds and the app is now opened on your phone 😃
$ dryrun -h
Usage: dryrun GIT_URL [OPTIONS]
-m, --module MODULE_NAME Custom module to run
-b, --branch BRANCH_NAME Checkout custom branch to run
-f, --flavour FLAVOUR Custom flavour (e.g. dev, qa, prod)
-p, --path PATH Custom path to android project
-t, --tag TAG Checkout tag/commit hash to clone (e.g. "v0.4.5", "6f7dd4b")
-c, --cleanup Clean the temporary folder before cloning the project
-w, --wipe Wipe the temporary dryrun folder
-h, --help Displays help
-v, --version Displays the version
-a, --android-test Execute android tests
- Find the github's repository url
- Click the
download zip
- Extract the
zip file
- Open Android Studio
- Import the project you just downloaded
- Sync gradle
- Run the project
- Choose the device you want to run
- Test all you want
- Delete the
project folder
and thezip file
when you don't want it anymore
- Private repos can be tested too 😃
$ dryrun
- No need to cleanup after you test the library.
- No need to wait for Android Studio to load.
Be aware that $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
environment variable needs to be set. See more in here
Additionally, on windows in order to use git commands, the following path should be on the environment variable
MIT © Cesar Ferreira