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Created database storage system with MySQL, deployed web static with Fabric, and added web framework with Flask and Jinja

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AirBnB_clone_v2: MySQL, deploy web static, web framework


Table of Contents


hbnb is a full-stack clone of the web application AirBnB. This clone was built in four iterative phases. This version includes completion of Phase 1 from AirBnB_clone_v1: Console and web static plus Phase 2, which has three parts: 1) adding a MySQL database storage system and mapping models to a database table using object relational mapping, 2) deploying web static by creating and configuring a web server using Fabric, and 3) converting static HTML page into a dynamic HTML page using Flask and Jinja2.

Part 1: Add a MySQL database storage system


Part 2: Deploy web static with Fabric


Part 3: Build a web framework with Flask


Links to other versions:


The purpose of Phase 2 is to learn how to:

  • create a MySQL database
  • use ORM
  • map a Python class to a MySQL table
  • handle 2 different storage engines in same codebase
  • use environmental variables
  • deploy code on a server
  • use Fabric for executing local or remote shell commands, uploading/downloading files, prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution. Fabric is taking care of all network connections (SSH, SCP etc.): it's an easy tool for transferring files and executing commands from local to a remote server.
  • manage Nginx configurations
  • build a web framework with Flask
  • define routes in Flask
  • create HTML response in Flask using a template
  • create dynamic template with Jinja2
  • display data from MySQL database in HTML


  • All files compiled with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Documentation
  • Organized files in proper folders (i.e. CSS files should be in styles folder)
  • Python unit tests for all files
  • Use SQLAlchemy 1.2.x and MySQL 5.7
  • All files must be pep8 and shellcheck compliant

File Descriptions

Note: Below highlights only new file additions for Phase 2. For Phase 1 file descriptions, click here.

  • - command interpreter from Phase 1 that includes updated do_create function that allows object creation with given arameters with syntax <key name>=<value>
  • setup_mysql_dev.sql - script that prepares a MySQL development server for the project
  • setup_mysql_test.sql - script that prepares a MySQL test server for the project
  • - Bash script that sets up web servers for web_static deployment
  • - a Fabric script that generates a .tgz archive from the contents of the web_static folder
    • do_pack - generates a .tgz archive from the contents of the web_static folder using Fabric
  • - a Fabric script (based on that distributes an archive to web servers
    • do_deploy - distributes an archive to web servers
    • do_pack - generates a .tgz archive from the contents of the web_static folder using Fabric
  • - a Fabric script (based on that creates and distributes an archive to my web servers
    • deploy - creates and distributes an archive to web servers
    • do_deploy - distributes an archive to web servers
    • do_pack - generates a .tgz archive from the contents of the web_static folder using Fabric
  • models - contains models for relevant AirBnB objects
    • - switch to file storage or database storage modes
    • - class BaseModel, parent class that will take care of initialization/serialization/deserialization of future instances
      • __init__ - initialize instance attributes
      • __str__ - returns formatted string representation of instance
      • __repr__ - returns string representation of instance
      • save - updates updated_at attribute for new instance
      • to_dict - returns dictionary representation a BaseModel object
    • - class User
    • - class City
    • - class State
    • - class Place
      • reviews - get list of Review instances with place_id (equals current
      • amenities getter - returns list of Amenity instances based on the attribute amenity_ids that contains all linked to the Place
      • amenities setter - adds an to attribute amenity_ids if obj is an instance of Amenity
    • - class Review
    • - class Amenity
  • tests - unit test files
  • engine - contains storage engines
    • - empty file for packages
    • - class FileStorage; serializes instances to JSON file and deserializes from a JSON file
      • all - returns the dictionary __objects
      • new - sets in __objects the obj with key <obj class name>.id
      • save - serializes __objects to the JSON file (path: __file_path)
      • reload - deserializes the JSON file to __objects
      • delete - delete object from __objects if exists
      • close - call reload
    • - class DBStorage;
      • __init__ - initalize instances
      • all - return dictionary of instance attributes
      • new - add new object to current database session
      • save - commit all changes of the current database session
      • delete - delete from the current database session obj if not None
      • reload - create all tables in database and current database session
      • close - close session
  • web_flask - contains Flask, templates, and static files
    • - import Flask and create a Flask instance
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route / displays 'Hello HBNB!'
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route / displays 'Hello HBNB~' and route /hbnb displays 'HBNB'
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route / displays 'Hello HBNB!', /hbnb displays 'HBNB', /c/<text> displays 'C' followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route / displays 'Hello HBNB!', /hbnb displays 'HBNB', /c/<text> displays 'C' followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space , /python/(<text>) displays 'Python ', followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space ) where the default value of text is 'is cool'
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route / displays 'Hello HBNB!', /hbnb displays 'HBNB', /c/<text> displays 'C' followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space , /python/(<text>) displays 'Python ', followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space ) where the default value of text is 'is cool', /number/<n> displays 'n is a number' only if n is an integer
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route / displays 'Hello HBNB!', /hbnb displays 'HBNB', /c/<text> displays 'C' followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space , /python/(<text>) displays 'Python ', followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space ) where the default value of text is 'is cool', /number/<n> displays 'n is a number' only if n is an integer, /number_template/<n> displays an HTML page only if n is an integer
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route / displays 'Hello HBNB!', /hbnb displays 'HBNB', /c/<text> displays 'C' followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space , /python/(<text>) displays 'Python ', followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space ) where the default value of text is 'is cool', /number/<n> displays 'n is a number' only if n is an integer, /number_template/<n> displays an HTML page only if n is an integer, /number_odd_or_even/<n> displays an HTML page only if n is an integer where H1 tag includes 'Number: n is even|odd' in BODY tag
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route /states_list displays an HTML page with H1 tag: “States”, UL tag: list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z), LI tag: description of one State: <>: <B><></B>
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route /cities_by_states displays an HTML page with H1 tag: “States”, UL tag: list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z), LI tag: description of one State: <>: <B><></B>, LI tag: description of one City: <>: <B><></B>
    • - script that starts a Flask web application where route /states displays an HTML page with H1 tag: “States”, UL tag: list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z), LI tag: description of one State: <>: <B><></B>; route /states/<id>displays an HTML page where if a State object is found with this id: H1 tag: “State: ”, H3 tag: “Cities:”, UL tag: with the list of City objects linked to the State sorted by name (A->Z), LI tag: description of one City: <>: <B><></B>; Otherwise: H1 tag: “Not found!”
    • - script that starts a Flask web application and defines route /hbnb_filters to display an HTML page like below: 6-index.html_part0 6-index.html_part1 6-index.html_part2 6-index.html_part3
    • - script that starts a Flask web application and route /hbnb displays an HTML page like below: 8-index.html_part0 8-index.html_part1 8-index.html_part2 8-index.html_part3 8-index.html_part4
    • templates - contains HTML files
    • static - contains CSS and image files

Environmental Variables

HBNB_ENV: running environment. It can be “dev” or “test” for the moment (“production” soon!)
HBNB_MYSQL_USER: the username of your MySQL
HBNB_MYSQL_PWD: the password of your MySQL
HBNB_MYSQL_HOST: the hostname of your MySQL
HBNB_MYSQL_DB: the database name of your MySQL
HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE: the type of storage used. It can be “file” (using FileStorage) or db (using DBStorage)


Run the following in your terminal:

user@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ curl -o 100-dump.sql ""
user@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ cat 100-dump.sql | mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: 
user@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3 -m web_flask.100-hbnb
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Open up a web browser and type Voila! You should see a lovely webpage like below: 8-index.html_part0


At this time, there are no known bugs.


Phase 2:

Phase 1 codebase: (For practice working with new codebases)


hbnb is open source and free to download and use


Created database storage system with MySQL, deployed web static with Fabric, and added web framework with Flask and Jinja






No releases published


No packages published


  • Python 63.1%
  • HTML 24.4%
  • CSS 11.8%
  • Shell 0.7%