hbnb is a full-stack clone of the web application AirBnB. This clone was built in four iterative phases. This version includes completion of Phase 1, which has two parts: building 1) a command interpreter that parses and evaluates input from the commandline appropriately and 2) a landing page. Test suite included.
Links to other versions:
- AirBnB_clone_v2: MySQL, Deploy static, Web framework
- AirBnB_clone_v3: RESTful API
- AirBnB_clone_v4: Web dynamic (Final version!)
The purpose of Phase 1 is to:
- create a parent class BaseModel that will take care of initialization, serialization, and deserialization of future instances
- create a simple flow of serialization/deserialization: instance <-> dictionary <-> JSON string <-> file
- create all classes used for AirBnb that inherit from BaseModel
- create an abstracted storage engine (FileStorage)
- create unittests to validate all our classes and storage engine
- create a command interpreter that can do the following:
- create a new object
- retrieve an object from a file, database, etc.
- do operations on objects
- update attributes of an object
- destroy an object
- learn how to do the following:
- create a Python package
- create a command interpreter in Python using the cmd module
- implement Unit testing on a large project
- serialize and deserialize a class
- write and read a JSON file
- manage datetime
- create UUIDs
- use
- handle named arguments in a function
- create an HTML page
- add complex CSS style to an element
- Must follow Betty style and document guidelines
- Allowed editors:
- Must have a
file - All header files must be include guarded
- No more than 5 functions per files
- Must have documentation
- Must have unittests that can be executed using
python3 -m unittest discover tests
- AUTHORS - list of contributors
- console.py - command interpreter
- create a new instance of a classdo_show
- prints string representation of an instance based on class name and iddo_all
- prints all string representation of all instances based or not on the class namedo_destroy
- deletes an instance based on the class name and iddo_update
- updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attributeemptyline
- ensures that hitting 'enter' will not remember the last commanddo_quit
- quit programdo_EOF
- exit at end of file
- models - contains models and engine files
- base_model.py - parent class that will take care of initialization/serialization/deserialization of future instances
- initialize instance attributes__str__
- creates formatted string representation of instance__repr__
- returns string representation of instancesave
- updates public instance attribute updated_at with current datetimeto_dict
- creates a dictionary containing all keys/values of__dict__
of the instance
- user.py - class User
- city.py - class City
- state.py - class State
- place.py - class Place
- review.py - class Review
- amenity.py - class Amenity
- initialization code for Python package models- tests - unit test files
- engine - contains storage engines
- file_storage.py - class FileStorage
- returns the dictionary__objects
- sets in__objects
the obj with key<obj class name>.id
- serializes__objects
to the JSON file (path:__file_path
- deserializes the JSON file to__objects
- file_storage.py - class FileStorage
- base_model.py - parent class that will take care of initialization/serialization/deserialization of future instances
- tests - contains tests for all models and storage engines mentioned above
- web_static - contains HTML, CSS, and images files
0-index.html - a basic HTML page that contains a header and footer like below:
1-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header and a footer by using the style tag in the head tag (same display as 0-index.html)
2-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header and a footer by using CSS files (same display as 1-index.html)
3-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header and footer by using CSS files to display like below:
4-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box with a search button
5-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box
6-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box with dropdown
7-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header, footer, a filters box with dropdown and results
8-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header, a footer, a filter box (dropdown list) and the result of the search
101-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header, a footer, a filter box (dropdown list) and the result of the search, uses Flexible boxes for all Place articles (same display as 8-index.html)
102-index.html - an HTML page that displays a header, a footer, a filter box (dropdown list) and the result of the search; uses Flexible boxes for all Place articles; has responsive design (same display as 8-index.html)
styles - contains CSS files
- 2-common.css - global (i.e. body) style
- 2-header.css - header style
- 2-footer.css - footer style
- 3-common.css - body style
- 3-header.css - header style
- 3-footer.css - footer style
- 4-common.css - body style
- 4-filters.css - filters style
- 5-filters.css - filters style
- 6-filters.css - filters style
- 7-places.css - places style
- 8-places.css - places style
- 101-places.css - places style
- 102-places.css - places style
python3 -m unittest discover tests
$ ./console.py
(hbnb) help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit
(hbnb) quit
$ echo "help" | ./console.py
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit
$ cat test_help
$ cat test_help | ./console.py
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit
At this time, there are no known bugs.
hbnb is open source and free to download and use