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I excel in JavaScript,HTML,CSS and modern JavaScript frameworks. Ready to learn and adapt new skills
Dmitry Selikhov idimetrix
💻ALWAYS HIRING, 🌍REMOTE JOBS, 💼HR, 🚀CTO, 🏗️Software Architect, 🧑‍💻Technical Lead, 👨‍💼3X Founder. 🔗Linking companies with top tech talents. @elevanceit

@elevanceit New York

Charles Chrismann Charles-Chrismann
Étudiant en 4e année de Développement Web à l'IIM

Institut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM) Paris, La Défense

Rob Nugen thunderrabbit
I walk barefoot


Gabriel Ávila avilabiel
📈 Learn(i) = Learn(i + 1)


Emmanuella Adu elarhadu
I am an upcoming software developer whose goal is to help create softwares and apps to simplify the everyday life. Open to new opportunities.


Asha S V asharanjith
Budding Full-stack developer. passionately honing my skillset with the use of JavaScript @microverseinc. Open to new opportunities.

Full-Stack Developer Dubai

Rohit bhatt rbhatt1999
Full-Stack Software Developer with a strong passion for technology. Enjoy solving Data Structure and Algorithm problems. Open to new job opportunities.

@microverseinc Gurgaon, Haryana, India

Samuel Amankwaa-Frempong frempongdev
A dedicated Full-Stack Software Engineer with a passion for continuous learning and growth. Available for hire || Open to new opportunities.

@microverseinc - Code Reviewer (Part-Time) Kumasi - Ghana.

Wullah Jonas Nuta jonas-45
I am a passionate and driven Full-stack developer with expertise and experience in Ruby / Rails / HTML / CSS / React / Redux. Open to new opportunities.


KASHIF SALEEM Kashif-Saleem-Ghuman
ASE @ Programmers Force Pvt Ltd. React and Vue enthusiast. Experienced in JavaScript, React, Redux, Vue, Vuetify, ROR, Tailwind, Bootstap, Python, Selenium

Full Stack Developer Lahore, Pakistan

Chere Lemma cherelemma
Trainer | Software Engineer | Researcher. Stack: JavaScript, React & Redux, Python, C/C++, PHP, Java, MySQL, PostgreSQL Open to new opportunities.

Full-Stack Developer Ethiopia

Harrison Njuguna Harrynoqs
My name is Harrison Njuguna. Full-Stack Software Developer. Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Aspiring Pro Developer. Looking for a job opportunity.

Microverse Nairobi, Kenya

Kasongo Mukebo Ben BenMukebo
Full-Stack Developer with over 4 years of industry experience, Technologies: JS, TS, Ruby, React, NextJs, NestJs, ROR. Currently open to new job opportunities.

Vaurse KG 14 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda

Rashid Menhas RashidMenhas
Software developer, Rails enthusiast, part-time browsing. Stack: JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, React, Redux. Looking for my next job! Open to new opportunities

Microverse Student Pakistan

Alier Philip Maguet AlierPM
Front-end Developer | I am open to new Job opportunities and collaboration.

@microverseinc Cairo, Egypt

George kinyanjui george827
Full-Stack Software Developer, Rails enthusiast. Stack: JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, React, Redux. Looking for my next job!

Full-Stack Developer Nairobi, kenya

Kennedy Owusu kennedyowusu
Full Stack Web & Mobile Developer. I am currently open to new opportunities.

Full Stack Web & Mobile Developer Accra, Ghana

Judge Fikayo WillowyBoat2388
Innovation explored to the max. Python, SQL, AWS Certified, DataCamp Certified, B9Lab Certified

Beyond Data Networks Accra

Tekhlay Birhane Tekhlay
Full-stack Developer with knowledge in HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React | Ruby | Ruby on Rails. I love cycling and hiking. Looking for new opportunities

Mekelle University Mekelle, ትግራይ, Ethiopia

Mohamed Hassan Noor MohamedHNoor
Full Stack Developer Expertise in JavaScript, Ruby, React, React Native, Expo, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NextJs, PostgreSQL, Prisma

Wellington New Zealand

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Yidne Kassahun Yidnekachew-cmd
A passionate Front-End Web Developer. Stack: HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Tailwindcss | JavaScript | ReactJS | Ruby | PostgreSQL | React-Native.

Software Developer Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Felix felixDev22
A Full-Stack software developer currently using JavaScript // React // Redux // Ruby // Open to new job opportunities.

@microverseinc Nairobi Kenya

Mudasir Sherwani MudasirSherwani
I am a FullStack Web Developer Student @microverseinc and available for new opportunities with skills in JAVASCRIPT | React / Redux | Ruby on Rails | HTML | CSS

Microverse Punjab, Pakistan

Hein Thant IndieCoderMM
Internet-dependent coder debugging life 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛

@microverseinc Myanmar

Prantosh Biswas PrantoshB
A passionate Full-Stack Web Developer. Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Ruby, PostgreSQL, RoR, React-Native.

West Bengal, India

Marc Raphael Marcraphael12
FullStack Web Developer, curious about the world of coding, always ready for new opportunities and challenges.

@microverseinc @hackclub Yaounde, Center, Cameroon

Obed Bamfo obed300
Full-Stack Dev with passion for React & Redux. Love for coding drives me to create innovative solutions. Open to new opportunities to advance my career.

Front-End Developer Ghana, Greater Accra

Salwa Ballouti Salwa99
I am an enthusiastic web developer. I have experience with HTML, CSS, Tailwind, JavaScript, React, and Ruby on Rails. Seeking exciting new opportunities.

Microverse Mekens, Morocco

Abdifatah Yasin Yousof AbdifatahYasin1
Software developer, Rails enthusiast, and part-time digital artist. Stack: JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, React, Redux. Looking for my next job

Full Stack Developer Somalia, Hargeisa

Anand Mohan Pathak Anand8317
Front-End Developer | JavaScript | React | Ruby on Rails | Open Source Enthusiast | Open to new opportunities

Bangalore, India

Md Tariq-ul Islam developertariq
I'm a Full-Stack Developer experienced in JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Ruby, and Rails. Currently available for hire.

Student and mentor at Microverse Bhola, Bangladesh

Michael Amponsah michaelamponsah
Software engineer with a knack for systems optimizations. Stack: JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, React, Redux. Open to new opportunities.

Accra, Ghana

Saba Ahmad SabaAhmad404
Frontend Dev, overthinker. 🙆‍♀️

@MilestoneTechnologies sialkot ,punjab Pakistan

Aquinas Moriasi Aquinasmoriasi
Full-stack developer with experience in React, Ruby, JavaScript, and Rails. Passionate about clean code and improving my skills. I am currently open to work.

@microverse Kenya

Wahaj Ali Wahaj-Ali
Full-Stack Developer | Remote Work | JavaScript/TypeScript | React JS/Next JS | Tailwind CSS | Node JS/Express JS | SQL/MongoDB | Agile Methodologies

Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Mohammad Suliman joya SulimanJoya
Front-End Developer | JavaScript with a love for React and Redux | Student at Microverse. Open to new job opportunities.

@ Microverse Kabul, Afghanistan

Lengushuru Charles lengushuru
A passionate Full-Stack web Developer. Stack: python, Django, React, JavaScript, WebPack, and Sass. Looking for new opportunities

kplc KE

Chukwuemeka Kanu Mekuseo
Full-Stack Software Developer| Stack: JavaScript | React | HTML, CSS 👩🏽‍💻| Open to remote work | Looking for new opportunities.

microverse Lagos, Nigeria

Haliljon Juraboev haliljon
Full-Stack Web Developer | JavaScript, React, Redux, React Native, Rails | Status: open to new job opportunities

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Ngwu Jacinta Ebere JacintaNgwu
Hi👋, I'm Jacinta, interested in full-stack web development💻. I'm currently learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, and Algorithms. Open to opportunities📧.

@Microverse Abuja, Nigeria

QueenterJuma QueenterJuma
Full Stack developer with a passion for Ruby on Rail. Stack: JavaScript, React, Redux. I enjoy fashion and design in my free time. I'm looking for my next job.

Full-Stack Developer Nairobi, Kenya

Edd codewanderlust
Full-stack Dev. React | JavaScript | Tailwind | Ruby on Rails. I have a passion for learning and sharing knowledge with others. Open to new job opportunities

Freelancing Remote

Billy Mohajeri billymohajeri
Full-Stack Software Developer with a love for Java. Open to a new job.

@Integrify-Finland Finland