An awesome tool to update you with your schedule every morning!
When I wake up, I would like to know what my day looks like to prepare for it. What are the activities that are scheduled today? Do I have any classes today? Do I have any games to watch today? Or is it race day? To solve this problem, I wrote a piece of code in python to read my google calendar, F1 race updates, Holidays provided by my university, Class Schedule, and Rainbow six siege(videogame) Pro League schedule and send me an email every morning. This project is completely built with python!!
Since all my classes are currently online due to COVID-19, keeping track of my classes is challenging due to the different timezones. Hence to make this easy, this program reads my schedule in JSON format and sends me the classes I have that particular day!
This is to let me know if that particular day is a declared holiday by my university by scraping their website page for holidays.
I love F1, even though I know the race schedule beforehand, it is nice to get an email in the morning alerting me about race day! Any F1 fan who wants this feature, too, can copy the get_f1_update()
- Python
- Webscraping (BeautifulSoup).
- Interacting with multiple APIs (Requests).
- Interacting with JSON files (json).
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Twitter : abrohit05
LinkedIn : Rohit Manjunath
Website : abrohit
Project Link : /~