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ArchUnit is run regardless of selected tests scope with JUnit5 in IntelliJ IDEA #546



Some context to help understand

I have a Kotlin project with the following package structure:

|- domain
|- driving
`- driven

And some ArchUnit tests that ensure that the hexagonal architecture constraints are met in com.example.project.HexagonalArchitectureTest.kt.

I'm using:

  • Kotlin 1.4.31
  • ArchUnit 0.17.0
  • JUnit 5 5.7.1
  • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2020.3

The problem I'm facing

Whenever I run a subset of my tests in IntelliJ IDEA, say by hitting Ctrl+Shift+F10 on the domain package, the test console shows a bunch of ArchUnit-related logs before actually running the tests I've selected, starting with:

13:51:05.266 [main] INFO com.tngtech.archunit.core.PluginLoader - Detected Java version 11.0.10
13:51:05.279 [main] DEBUG com.tngtech.archunit.core.PluginLoader - Current Java version is compatible to JAVA_9 => Loading Plugin com.tngtech.archunit.core.importer.ModuleImportPlugin
13:51:05.407 [main] DEBUG com.tngtech.archunit.ArchConfiguration - No configuration found in classpath at => Using default configuration
... (logs telling which classes are being analysed) ...
... (then the tests I wanted to run actually run)...

This is a problem to me because this situation artificially increases the duration of my feedback loop when working in a Test-Driven Development setting: the ArchUnit analysis is usually much longer to run than the tests I actually meant to run.

What I've been able to work out so far regarding this issue

  • Using fields or functions to declare the @ArchTests has no effect on the issue;
  • Changing the packages attribute of @AnalyzeClasses has no effect on the issue;
  • Using archunit-junit4 instead of archunit-junit5 works as a workaround;
  • Violating the ArchUnit rules on purpose does not affect the overall tests results shown in IntelliJ IDEA.




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