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Open-source, kopírujte a upravujte co potřebujete!
Note: Original branch of master's thesis -> switch to Master's Thesis
RM1 is an experimental robotic platform created to automate antigen testing. This project was developed as part of a master's thesis. The aim was to create a functional and modular prototype that is easily modifiable and deployable after debugging. The basic idea is to create a web-based server that communicates with ROS. ROS was used in the work as a simulation and debugging environment, mainly for robot control. The thesis is divided into four main parts:
I decided to go with a solution where ROS will not be included in Docker for development and simulation. ROS was used as an enabler for simulation and subsequent real world testing. It also made access and updates within development easier. But the resulting real world deploy includes the ability to whitelist ROS Docker into the App, or possibly extracting the simulated robot paths into e.g. the python-urx library and with added facilities.
Robot, gripper and sensors
Part | Type |
Robot | Universal Robots UR3 |
3D Camera | Intel Realsense D435i |
2-finger Gripper | Onrobot RG2 |
Force-Torque Sensor | Onrobot Hex-e |
Robot control
Part | Type |
Control framework | ROS Melodic |
Prog. lang. | Python 2 |
! Attention ! the problem occurred in rosbridge, which showed an error, for full functionality and unslowed communication it is necessary to make a modification in the file:
Change "unregister_timeout" [#138]. Example is in file rosbridge_websocket.launch.
usefull to run Nautilus file manager with sudo:
user@user-pc:~$ sudo nautilus
Hand eye calibration was performed according to the repository procedure: /~ The ArUco board was used as a marker.
This application was tested mainly on ROS Melodic Morenia, but there is option to use in another distors, but samoe scripts must be changed. For run there need to be involved some dependencies to catkin workspace, but first install ROS.
<rosdistro> = kinetic, melodic, noetic ...
- ROS Melodic Morenia =>
user@user-pc:~$ sudo apt-get install ros-<rosdistro>-desktop-full
- Moveit =>
user@user-pc:~$ sudo apt-get install ros-<rosdistro>-moveit
- Rosbridge =>
user@user-pc:~$ sudo apt-get install ros-<rosdistro>-rosbridge-server
- TF2-Web-Republisher =>
user@user-pc:~$ sudo apt-get install ros-<rosdistro>-tf2-web-republisher
After you create a catkin workspace, you must imply the following packages:
- Universal Robots ROS Driver =>
# source global ros
$ source /opt/ros/<your_ros_version>/setup.bash
# create a catkin workspace
$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws
# clone the driver
$ git clone /~ src/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver
# clone fork of the description. This is currently necessary, until the changes are merged upstream.
$ git clone -b calibration_devel /~ src/fmauch_universal_robot
# install dependencies
$ sudo apt update -qq
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y
# build the workspace
$ catkin_make
# activate the workspace (ie: source it)
$ source devel/setup.bash
- RM1_ROS =>
user@user-pc:~$ git clone /~
Note: This package robo_medicinae should be on the same file system level as Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver and universal_robot from fmauch.
- Optoforce =>
user@user-pc:~$ git clone /~
Note: This package optoforce should be on the same file system level as Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver and universal_robot from fmauch. USB communication was used for data acquisition. This is for real world testing.
│ CMakeLists.txt
Real world optionaly with Hex-e sensor
│ CMakeLists.txt
One bash script from the RM1_Server repository is implemented within the whole application. However, everything can be run in individual terminals: But don't forget that you must also have the RM1_Server repository for proper functionality!!! This is just a guide on how to run each part.
Gazebo sim
user@user-pc:~$ roslaunch robo_platform ur3_bringup.launch
ROS real-world / ursim controller
user@user-pc:~$ roslaunch robo_platform ur3_driver_bringup.launch robot_ip:=
user@user-pc:~$ roslaunch robo_platform ur3_driver_bringup.launch
Moveit sim
user@user-pc:~$ roslaunch robo_moveit ur3_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
Moveit real-world / ursim
user@user-pc:~$ roslaunch robo_moveit ur3_moveit_planning_execution.launch
ROS Rviz
user@user-pc:~$ roslaunch robo_moveit moveit_rviz_new.launch config:=true
ROS Bridge
user@user-pc:~$ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
Tf2 Web republisher
user@user-pc:~$ rosrun tf2_web_republisher tf2_web_republisher
HEX-e sensor publisher
user@user-pc:~$ roslaunch optoforce optoforce.launch
Note: before run ensure that:
user@user-pc:~$ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
Python switch
user@user-pc:~$ rosrun robo_control
Python init motion
user@user-pc:~$ rosrun robo_control 1
Note: Script was programmed as main script for control other function and communicate with client. To run the simulation follow:
- Gazebo
- Moveit
- Additionaly Rviz
- Rosbridge
- Additionaly TF2 for control_robot page
- Python switch
Another simulation option is to use ursim =>
- Author: Martin Juricek
- Supervisor: Roman Parak
If you want to cite please check the header repository. =>