This project is my solution in Windows Legacy (Deprecated), C# to the Replacing Placeholders practice found in section 03 practice 06 of the UiPath - RPA Developer Foundation course.
After making a pull request or downloading the project, open the Main.xaml in UiPath Studio. The robot can be run with the play button in the ribbon and the result can be seen in output panel.
You have the following template: "Hello Mr <first_name> <last_name>, we would like to invite you to our opening event next week on <day_of_week>. Please confirm by the end of current week.
Create a workflow to get input from the user and replace the provided input data in the phrase above.
Note: Please create a string variable with the text above.
Course: UiPath - RPA Developer Foundation
Section: 03 Data Manipulation
Practice: 06 Replacing Placeholders
Project Format: Windows Legacy (Deprecated), C#
GitHub: /~
07/21/2021 16:29:03 => [Debug] Execution started for project: RPADev-S03P06-ReplacingPlaceholders
07/21/2021 16:29:05 => [Info] RPADev-S03P06-ReplacingPlaceholders execution started
07/21/2021 16:29:44 => [Debug] Hello Mr. Shon Harsh, we would like to invite you to our opening event next week on Saturday. Please confirm by the end of current week.
07/21/2021 16:29:44 => [Info] RPADev-S03P06-ReplacingPlaceholders execution ended in: 00:00:30
A standard UiPath, Studio to Orchestrator cloud setup is the base of operation. It is easy to setup and free.
- An Orchestrator connection - Visit and authenticate or sign up.
- UiPath Studio is used to run the robot. Note that Studio Web can be used directly in Orchestrator but I recommend installing the Studio IDE application.
Clone the project to develop or change it.
git clone /~
- UiPath Automation Platform
- UiPath Studio
- Pulsar (Atom Successor) - Used for all my files
- Shon Harsh Website
- This.GitHub
Get Started With RPA Development
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